Discussion in 'Selling' started by Seb, Mar 26, 2017.
Add 5/1 FS
Sb you sock seb. When this thread end ?
All right juat let me know : D
5.6 sock
WD my offer, buy one at game.
my offer still stands :3c until someone outbids
actually I'll take his spot at 6b
Bump! Added a 19attk cape for sale.
BUMP added a 13attk red sock!
Added Kingcent
added mw20
Mw20 s/b
Hi Seb, Sorry i would like to retract my offer. Got 1 in game. thanks!
i read bilcoins as bitcoins LOL
I'm back! Humpty bumpty!
Sb podium effect
holy shit nice slash claw
Sold winner’s podium effect to @Miwako
Separate names with a comma.