I have been thinking about it for very long time. There’s a lot of hacked or RWT items existed in game. I don’t think it would be fair that it still stay in game after hackers or RWTers get banned and I know a lot of players take this advantages for their own benefits. If hackers or RWTers get banned, the trade history should undo it. Legit players who traded with them should return their meso or items back, and hackers and RWTers’ meso and items should wipe out. Or do you guys think these items should still stay in game?
I think i didnt get my point across the first time i responded to this. I was busy and didnt put any effort to it. so lets try again. First off the mess its gonna cause, manually deleting and refunding the mesos to players. if player buys perfect weapon from someone that was associated with RWT and staff deletes the item. that person is without a weapon, so the person cant boss or do any activities that requires a weapon. perfectly scrolled equips are pretty rare and sometimes can take months untill one enters the market and who knows if that one wont be deleted eventually too? to me that sounds really demotivating and everyone will develop a ''buying perfect item fright''. For the most part tracking items is not realistic. reasons being the ''trade history'' that jooon briefly touched on, for the love for this game i think we shouldnt go deeper in the details why its flawed, just not to give any ideas to unexperienced RWTer. other reason would be the time that would go in to that. i believe only admins have the power to look at that kind of data. just look how long it takes for them to refund NX items that got lost in CS, for me personally it took over 3 months to get my azula katana refunded. they're already overwhelmed with cases. i havent seen perfect weapon being sold dirt cheap maybe -+1b from market price. so i dont know what kind of benefits a regular players might have from this. unless we're talking in general that RWTers and hackers make things cheaper. i would agree to delete items that was given by RWTer to his friend for free or borrowed, that yeah seems unfair, but i dont think there are many cases like that. so yeah i think staff shouldnt waste their time on trying to track individuals that bought RWT item unknowingly with legit mesos that they earned. considering that when hackers and RWTers get banned their gear gets banned with them, Legit items too, so i guess it balances out to some extend.
The problem starts here. Trade history? And yeah, distributors who comes into the game to sell perfect weapon in bcoins are actually not that rare, I do believe if there's a possibility that if the trade can be reverted, should be reverted. These gears never should be existed in the first place.
RWT is something that i used to think about regularly and it is the main thing that is keeping me from staying active for longer periods, as i just lose hope as i play haha, but sort of gave up already. Tracking back illegit items is definitely something that would be nice if done, but even then i dont think it would help much with the overall RWT problem which is huge :c The market imo is broken beyond repair by bots and vote abusing already, the amount of mesos/nx generated daily by them is crazy.. Any one who can use google can check this, sellers have pretty much any item on hand or can create it on the spot.. some of them have been active for years :/ If you dig deeper you will find out that there are people running 10s of bots, generating billions daily just from NPCing. It would be interesting to see how many people online are bots and how many godly/perfect items ingame are legit (Id say that majority of prefect weapons are illegit)
Depends how you define legit; if you go by: not a single meso used to make a perfect item can be illegal (including scrolls and every player those scrolls touched), it's hard for any item to be legit.
This subject is relevant as ever, should it be allowed to keep RWTed items? Here is a fresh example - https://royals.ms/forum/threads/mephibosheth’s-ban-appeal.201368/, where @Raony promises to pay an RWTer a certain amount, but gets to keep the item for free. Spoiler: . "The 24 gaia cape was helped made by trading with Raony my 25 beautiful PAC... And most recently we traded my 25 att bwg for his 24b +40b (debt to be repaid later)" Feel free to discuss, as this is an important topic nowadays.
easy just perm ban both. get rid of the ppl who use rwters and hackers. 99% of the ppl recognise rwt or hackers immediatly.
I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but unless we have better automated systems for trade logs and autoban to supplement it, I don't see how implementing this is remotely feasible. Of course in an ideal scenario we don't want all these unfair transactions, it kills the spirit of fair play. But, just how do we go about policing these?
Hard to say, but from the casual player point, like myself, this is a problem that I completely leave for the staff to figure out and I actually couldn't less. Yeah RWT and hacking is bad, however this phenomenon actually made perfect weapons to be way more accessible to the casual player base. We are all aware that perfect weapons should cost AT LEAST the expected average amount that is needed to make them in the first place: On average, for 7 slots, it takes 70 white scrolls to scroll a perfect weapon - that is, on average, 35b since white scrolls are about 500m each, not to mention the price of a clean perfect weapon to begin with. So instead of paying 35b+ for a perfect weapon one can find them easily for 25b or even way less. We are all aware of that but we turn a blind eye because this is convenient to us. The game itself is hard as it is already since progression depends completely and utterly on pure LUCK if its by scrolling with white scrolls or chaosing attack gear. You cannot get to the high tier end game stuff if you don't gamble. So for the top tier player base and staff- this is a huge problem, for the casual player - a blessing. If one wants to play fair and square one can always just ignore all the cheap godly weapons and just scroll one on their own - good luck with that. Good luck to the staff!
An unfair trade with an RWTer should be reverted. See Zomgturkey’s ban appeal for an example where staff reverted an imbalanced trade. An honest player should not be taking advantage of a whopping 40B from an RWTer. Raony should not be allowed to keep the item if the seller gets banned.
What if someone buys, for example, an unfinished item with a RWTer, like a FS 10/1 and the buyer scrolls it with a CS. How the reverting process would be? I'm really in favor of the severe punishment of RWTers but I guess is not that simple
Hello @Donn1e . First of thanks for coming up with this, this gives me a chance to clarify everything. This is my only statement about it and I am not discussing this any further. The gloves were already being paid, but of course that I dont blame you because the guy might have choosen his words poorly. After all he just got banned and was probably with his head messed up. I have everything about the payment screenshoted, but I dont have to prove anything to a non staff player. If he do gets unbanned I am going to pay him what is left. I don't see what I did wrong in there. I know this is a unfortunate situation and I do comprehend your points and I enlight that. Have a good one!
I do think staff members should consider reversing any illegitimate trades/items that have been made short term and in the above mentioned case it was definitely short term considering the ban was issued out quite quickly right after the said trade. Spoiler: approximate trade timing https://royals.ms/forum/threads/b-2...hoes-and-14-luk-clean-oa.197807/#post-1190595 Spoiler: approximate appeal timing Examples of trades reversed by staff (i'm sure there is more but it is case dependent): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/zomgturkey-ban-appeal.172707/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/selling-perfect-dragon-slash-claw-123-21.179238/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/incinerateds-ban-appeal.178197/ (Tim confiscated illegitimate earned bcoins before banning him, I know since I was in staff during that time)
The economy is too fucked up now to do anything to fix it. Either do a server wipe or add another world for legit players to start over and monitor that economy more strictly for rwt and hackers. Also, the timing of the trade and ban in this case seems a little sus... it's almost as if he reported the rwter as soon as he got the gear knowing he won't have to pay that 40b :thonk:
You have no loss if the trade is reverted as you wouldn’t have lost anything given all the mesos you’ve already paid is returned back to you. If you get to keep the item, cause most likely the ban isn’t going to be reverted, you’re up/gain whatever the remaining balance is that you would’ve owed the RWTer. Giving you the benefit of the doubt that there is no suspicious behind the scenes stuff happening here, the only inconvenience you’ll have if the trade is reverted, is that you’ll be back down 1 wa and have to wait for another 25 glove to show up on the market. (#the1%problems indeed) You may have done nothing wrong with the initial trade, but now that the ban is out, there is definitely a right and a wrong way to move forward with this. Edit: I’ll have to admit, this is extremely idealistic as others have already mentioned that the server largely is already pretty fucked economy-wise. But I still think choosing to do the right thing, even in a isolated case that probably won’t change much in the larger scale of things, is still worth doing, no?
I dont think staff should reverse trades of illegitimate items since even GMs buy hacked items for cheap and sell them for profit. Ex-GM vic sold gold teeth 600 of them in his shop I remember clearly. Did you think he really farmed all 600 gold teeth by himself? hell no lol Current GM Becca probably has done the same selling nependeath honey. Again 252 nependeath honey. I tried farming nependeath honey droprate was like 5 honey every 30 mins. So around 75m per hr? Basically most of the items in this game are probably illegitimate so probably have to work on that auto ban
Whats your suggestion wrt legit players buying CS from potential rwters/vote abusers at a slightly cheaper value than 500m where its not sus? i.e. 480m and then proceeding to scroll gear. How would the revert take place?