HP Washing Calculator

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Shiyui, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. Shiyui

    Shiyui Donator

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Assumed you want to be 30k HP by level 200 and you want to stop leeching at level 135 so you can do bosses like Zak and Krex! :D


    There's really no reason to have so much HP at level 120. Almost everyone stops leeching at level 135 because that's the lowest level to start doing Zak and Krex runs. I can calculate a lower level for you certainly, but that means you have to grind to start doing party bosses which sucks for most people haha! Get your base int to 253 and start putting all your AP in MP from level 109 to level 135! :D

    ginwolf likes this.
  2. AhLiGaddo

    AhLiGaddo Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Hey Shiyui! Could you calculate optimal base int for both my mules so that I can spend minimal amount of ap resets?

    Current level: 66
    Class: NL
    Current Hp: 5456 clean without any equip
    Current Mp: 1077 clean without any equip
    Current Base Int: 317
    Int Gear: 175
    HP Goal: 30k @ Lv 200
    I want to finish mp washing by lv 135 since I will be unequipping int gears and returning all the base int at lv 135. I will also have mw20 until lv 135

    Current level: 66
    Class: MM
    Current Hp: 2431 clean without any equip
    Current Mp: 2629 clean without any equip
    Current Base Int: 316
    Int Gear: 172
    HP Goal: 30k @ Lv 200
    I want to finish mp washing by lv 155 since I will be unequipping int gears and returning all the base int at lv 155.
    I will also have mw20 until lv 155

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2018
  3. icex9

    icex9 Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Changed my goals and tried playing around more with the calculator: was gonna aim for 20K @135. It looks like its 21.5B for cost though, is that reasonable in terms of cost or am I doing something wrong?
  4. Eosph

    Eosph Member

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Forgot to include that I will have mw10. Will that change anything ?
  5. Shiyui

    Shiyui Donator

    Jan 24, 2016
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    You actually save 2 AP Resets if you raise your base int to 325 instead of staying at 317 base int on NL haha!


    And just add two more AP to base int on MM! Then you make use of that extra 2 int gear to get the next divisible by ten number and you benefit 1 more MP per level! :D


    Sounds right! The bulk of the cost in HP washing are the AP Resets needed to HP wash themselves. 20k is a lot of AP Resets to HP wash that high. So 21.5b for 20k is exactly what I'd expect. :D

    You just save 5 AP Resets by starting your MP wash one level later, saving 80m. :D

    ginwolf likes this.
  6. AhLiGaddo

    AhLiGaddo Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    For NL, I am surprised that I need only 200 ap resets for mp washing. Isn't that only 200*20mp = total 4000 excess mp from mp washing? I've thought I needed about 8800 excess mp gain from mp washing.
    My reasoning is on this calculation:
    *I saw data from other private server that Thief for each job advancement(2nd,3rd,4th) gives 300~350hp and 150~200 mp gain. Correct me if I am wrong on this

    5456 (current clean hp at lv 66) + 325 (avg 3rd job hp gain) + 325 (avg 4th job hp gain) + 22(hp/lv)*(lv200-lv66)

    5456 + 325 + 325 + [22(200-66)] = 9054 hp without hp washing at lv 200

    30k - 9054 = 20946 hp needed from hp washing

    assuming washing all 20946hp with fresh ap:
    20946 / 22 = 952 ap resets
    952 * 12 = 11425 excess mp needed

    assuming washing all 20946hp with ap reset:
    20946 / 18 = 1164 ap resets
    1164 * 12 = 13968 excess mp needed

    avg of both excess mps' since about half hp gain will come from fresh ap (about 100lv's which is about 11000hp):
    13968 + 11425 = 12696.5 ~= 12697 excess mp needed

    12687 - 175 - 175 = 12337: 175's mp gain from 2 job advancements

    current int at lv66: 317

    wearing int gears and base int 320 until lv 135:
    @67 lv up, (317*1.1) + 172 = 520.7: 52 mp gain from lv up

    @for lv 68~135 base int will stay at 320 and 172 int gear.
    (320*1.1) + 172 = 524: 52 mp gain every lv up
    (135-68) * 52 = 3484 mp gained from lv up mp gain for lv 68~135

    total natural mp gain from lv up for lv 67~135: 3484+52 = 3536

    12337 - 3536 = 8801 excess mp needed from mp washing

    32 - 10 = 20: every ap put into mp will turned to +32mp gain but lose -12 later for returning mp for stat
    8801 / 20 = 440.05 ~= 440 ap resets for mp washing
    You don't need to try to understand and correct my calculation if you are busy since you've been helping so much. I feel bad...
    But can you verify that I need about 12k excess mp at lv135 before my NL unequip int gear and return its base into 4?
  7. iLLES

    iLLES Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Hi Shiyui can you please help me i'm confused as to what to do now.

    Goal HP is 18,750 HP by Level 175 (the one that you need for pink bean without HB, i know he's not out yet xD)
    Current Level 67
    Current HP 4851
    Current MP 1077
    Current Base Int 311
    Int Gear 121

    From lvl 33 i have been adding AP to HP, taking out of MP and putting into INT whenever i can. I have 10 FRESH AP currently not being used and i'm not sure what to do with it. Am i supposed to be putting them into INT? Or am i supposed to be holding on to them because i thought fresh AP is good to keep as it gives more HP per wash.

    Also, when am i supposed to MP wash to reach this HP goal? TYY!
  8. iLLES

    iLLES Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Edit: Shiyui helped me thank you so much!
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  9. huyvuong321

    huyvuong321 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Hey Shiyui can you help recalculate for my NL? I've bought a bunch of new int equip.

    I'm aiming for 9.8k by lv 155, stop leeching by lv 135. I would also like to see the calculation for 12k. TYSM!!

    Current Lv 26
    Current HP 668
    Current MP 394
    Current base int 4
    Int Gear 83int by lvl 50
    MW 10 before lvl
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  10. TurtleAcid

    TurtleAcid Donator

    Jan 14, 2018
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    Hey! I need help seeing what I need.

    My goal is 14.5k by 155 on a NL, But I want to stop leeching at 135. I'm also not doing it with MW.

    Current Lv : 1
    Current HP : 50
    Current Mp : 5
    Current base int : 4
    Int gear : + 64 at level 10

    Thanks alot!
  11. imparable70

    imparable70 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    [QUOTE = "Shiyui, post: 618666, member: 20711"] Durante mucho tiempo, he querido hacer una calculadora completa y completa de hojas de cálculo de lavado de HP. Y después de bastantes horas de jugar con las fórmulas de Excel, finalmente lo logré.:RE

    Enlace aquí!

    [spoiler = Metas de HP recomendadas]

    [spoiler = Señor de la noche]
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Shadower]
    Asume Meso Guard.
    3063 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    4900 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    5094 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    5750 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    7250 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    8150 HP: Castellan (Sapo) sin Hyper Body
    9200 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    8375 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    11,500 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Bowmaster]
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Marksman]
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Corsair]
    Sujeto a debate. Un HP más alto significa que el daño recibido mientras está montado en un barco provocará que el barco se rompa antes que si tuviera un HP más bajo.
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Buccaneer]
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Héroe]
    Asume un máximo de Aquiles, un máximo de Power Guard para el daño de Bigfoot touch.
    5207 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    5547 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    8330 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10,625 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    15,938 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    15.938 HP: Daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    17,000 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    19,550 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    30,000 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Dark Knight]
    18,750 HP: 30k HP con Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Paladín]
    Asume un máximo de Aquiles, un máximo de Power Guard para el daño de Bigfoot touch.
    5207 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    5547 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    8330 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10,625 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    15,938 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    15.938 HP: Daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    17,000 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    19,550 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    30,000 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Mago]
    2910 HP, 11,610 MP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    3260 HP, 13,050 MP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    3690 HP, 14,730 MP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    3760 HP, 15,000 MP: Anego sin Hyper Body (Sobrevivir el daño de Anego)
    4610 HP, 18,410 MP: Horntail y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body (Sobrevivir a Horntail Head B por daños en el tacto)
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Principiante]
    6125 HP: Horntail con Hyper Body
    9800 HP: Horntail sin Hyper Body
    10.188 HP: Castellan (Toad) con Hyper Body
    11500 HP: Pink Bean con Hyper Body
    14,500 HP: daño por contacto de Bigfoot sin Hyper Body
    16,300 HP: Castellan (Toad) sin Hyper Body
    18,400 HP: Pink Bean sin Hyper Body
    18,750 HP: daño de bofetada Anego sin Hyper Body
    23,000 HP: daño táctil Horntail Head B y The Boss (Grandpa) sin Hyper Body
    [/ spoiler]
    [/ spoiler]

    [spoiler = Int Gear, Base Int y MP lavado]
    Int Gear: Equipo con int en ellos. El engranaje int es casi siempre un elemento de clase común, lo que significa que puede ser equipado por cada clase. El equipo Int es la forma más económica de obtener más MP en tu personaje, ya que el equipo int puede revenderse para recuperar tu dinero. El equipo Int también funciona como equipo para equipar a un personaje mago, por lo que se recomienda a los nuevos jugadores hacer un personaje de mago, vender sanguijuelas para obtener fondos y comprar equipos comunes de clase para preparar al mago y prepararse para que HP lave a otros personajes. Sin embargo, el engranaje interno generalmente no es suficiente para alcanzar el total necesario para que el jugador logre su objetivo de lavado HP. Es por eso que también agregamos base int.

    Base Int: AP (Ability Points) puesto en int. Base int complementa el engranaje int para lograr que el jugador logre su objetivo int total. Ponga su AP en int tan pronto como tenga la AP requerida para hacer su primer avance laboral. Continúa colocando tu AP en int después de cada nivel hasta llegar a Total Base Int. Después de alcanzar su Total Base Int, coloque su AP en su estadística principal como lo hace normalmente. Con cada vez más AP puesto en int en lugar de la estadística principal, el daño de tu personaje disminuye. Cada vez es más difícil y más difícil de moler y entrenar, por lo que es recomendable sangrar a tu personaje durante este tiempo. La mayoría de las personas sanguijuela sus personajes al nivel 135, que es el nivel en el que pueden comenzar a ejecutar Zak y Krex. Horntail comienza en el nivel 155 y Castellan comienza en el nivel 175. Base int se debe reiniciar a 4 cuando el personaje haya alcanzado el MP total requerido para el objetivo de HP. Esto significa que cada AP en int finalmente cuesta 1 AP Reset. Cuanto más tiempo permanezcas en la base de tu personaje, más barato será el lavado general de tu HP, sin tener en cuenta los precios de las sanguijuelas. La efectividad de Base int con aumentar MP MP multiplica por nivel, y restablecer base int es un costo fijo de 1 AP Reset por 1 AP en int, por lo que no hay razón para restablecer base int hasta que planee jugar el personaje con su potencial de daño completo .

    MP washing: MP washing is the process of using level up AP and putting it into MP. MP washing is required for very high HP goals. If you plan on making a 30k HP non warrior, non buccaneer character, you will need to MP wash. MP washing effectiveness depends on base int; int gear does not have any impact on MP washing. Therefore, it’s best to MP wash at or as close to your Total Base Int as possible. MP washing only works with Level Up AP so with 5 AP per level up, MP washing costs 5 AP Resets per level. MP washing is the most expensive of the methods to gain more MP, but it also gives the most MP per level, which is why it's essential to reaching very high HP goals.[/spoiler]

    All classes (yes, including mages!) are included. Formulas update automatically and just require a bit of information highlighted in red on the spreadsheet.

    Si ve "ERROR" en rojo en la celda D8, ¡no tiene suficiente MP para su objetivo de HP! Siga las instrucciones que aparecen en el lateral. Si alguna vez está confundido, publique en este hilo y lo haré por usted. ¡Siempre estoy feliz de ayudar! ~ f14[/CITAR hello Shiyui i need help to I'm assassin lvl, 33 what base int is necesary for 15k hp lvl 135
  12. Arise

    Arise Active Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    The effort and attention to detail put into this is amazing. Thank you for your hard work and willingness to share.

    I found a small mistake in the calculator sheet. Range M66-M70. The Int Gear summation range should be 'Int Gear'!$B$2:$B$9 instead of 'Int Gear'!$B$2:$B$11.
    Also, Range "E24" in the same sheet is empty for the last line of error text.

    Minor feedback to make this a little easier to understand

    1) For cell D9 in calculator sheet, instead of writing Type xxx Above, I would suggest "Type xxx in D8" or "Type xxx in the cell above". I initially thought that I was supposed to put a number greater than xxx.
    2) For int gear tab, It wasn't clear if the input for column B is supposed to be incremental int or total int. Especially with the extra explanation on the side. I started off inserting the total int for into all of the highlighted cells and only realized the mistake when looking through the formula.

    I hope that majority of the people who come across this are able to use the sheet on their own without relying on you too much.
  13. ahboon

    ahboon Active Member

    Feb 6, 2018
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    confuse about int gear tab there...
  14. Josefu

    Josefu Donator

    Oct 19, 2017
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    @Shiyui Hello, I've a few questions about HP washing for thief.
    When I use the excel sheets, it tells me to put level up AP into HP from level XX~XXX and that can be totalled in around 600 AP or so but only 200~300 AP are used to -MP + Luk. Is that a wrong description? Does that mean I should only put the same amount of level up AP into HP as the amount of AP resets used to -MP + Luk? In other words, if 205 -MP +Luk is listed, only 205 Level Up AP are needed to put into HP?

    Additionally, since we'll be putting level up AP into HP, does that mean that as long as the character has enough extra MP to -MP +Luk, we can always -MP +Luk at any level if one wish to play normally albeit with lower damage instead of just leeching? Example : the character has leveled up 1 time, the character used all of 5 level up AP into HP, but since the character has gained 24 extra MP via base int and int gear, the character then -MP 2 times and add them into Luk. Can I do that safely as long as I keep track of the number of level up AP used in HP and -MP +Luk washes at any level?
  15. Superlol

    Superlol Donator

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Hello i need some help doing this.
    Current level: 30
    Class: Night Lord
    Current Hp: 1089 (clean)
    Current Mp: 878 (clean)
    Current Base Int: 75
    Int Gear: 65 (at my level)
    My goal is 9.8k HP at 155

    I want to finish washing by lv 135 since I will be unequipping int gears and returning all the base int at lv 135. I will also have mw20 btw

    How should I do this? Thanks :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  16. PhotonSphere

    PhotonSphere Donator

    Jun 25, 2017
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    This tells you to keep adding base INT until you have 150 base INT (which you will get at LV45).

    After that, whenever you have more than 12 extra MP (which you can decide using the minimum MP formula in this guide), you can put 1 fresh level-up AP into HP, then use 1 AP reset to -MP + (LUK or DEX). According to the calculator, you should be able to do 242 such washes by LV155.

    I also tried to include MP washing for your case, but that turned out to cost the same. So you don't need to do MP washing for your goal (which is good since pure HP washing is easier than HP + MP washing).
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
  17. PhotonSphere

    PhotonSphere Donator

    Jun 25, 2017
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    For your first question, I cannot tell for sure since I do not see a screenshot of your calculation. I suspect that the calculator tells you to put all AP into HP or main stat from LVXX to LVXXX, and you may have misunderstand it as putting all level up AP during those levels to HP.
    • For example, in the screenshot of my reply above, it says LV45-200 put all AP into HP or LUK . It also says 242 AP resets -MP + LUK or DEX. This means you only put fresh AP into HP 242 times, instead of (200-45)*5 = 775 times.
    • Of course, if your first question is different from my suspicion, you can post a screenshot of your calculation here, and maybe I can diagnose what's wrong.
    @Shiyui As you can see in that screenshot in my previous reply, the part of instructions after (242 AP ..) is truncated. Moreover, I cannot change the width of cells, since it's protected. Neither could I click it and see the content above, since it's a formula. Maybe someone with the privilege can resize the cells?

    For your 2nd question, yes you can do that. After you put a level up AP into HP, you don't need to reset -MP + main stat immediately. You can always do that later, as long as you have enough excess MP at some point.
    • Moreover, you don't need to keep track of how many AP you have put into HP, as that can be done with simple calculation at any time.
    • Before 3rd job advancement, you have (5*Level + 20) AP in total. So the total AP you have put into HP is (5*Level + 20 - STR - DEX - INT - LUK).
    • Between 3rd and 4th job advancement, you have (5*Level + 25) AP in total. After 4th job advancement, you have (5*level + 30) AP in total. Just change the "20" in the formula above to 25 and 30.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
    Josefu likes this.
  18. Josefu

    Josefu Donator

    Oct 19, 2017
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    I think I've an outdated excel or something since there's no update notes lol. In my version there isn't all AP into HP or main stat, just all AP into HP.
  19. DeathlyJO

    DeathlyJO Donator

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Hello, I'm a LVL 95 Ranger with base INT of 4 - is it too late to start adding INT?
    Nvr new about HP washing, 1st character in Royals.

    Ty @Shiyui for helping out in the shoutbox!
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  20. ProjectBishop

    ProjectBishop Active Member

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Current Lv 52
    Class Night Lord
    Current HP 1575
    Current MP 910
    Current base int 4
    Current Int Gear 80int
    MW 20
    HP goal: 9.8k by lvl 160

    I could also wait till lvl 170 to complete the 9.8k wash if that was to help the cost

    I do understand it might be worth restarting however, I am keen to maintain this character!

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