Hi mate, Started around a week ago, do you have any gold seal or that heart chair left? If so could you please reply and message you ingame. If not that's perfectly ok.
Hey there! I probably should still have the black seal cushion, will be online in about 6 hours to check (and trade)
Hihi sorry I missed out on your post. Yes, please come online later and I’ll pass you either of the chairs!
No probs, i'll probably be online tonight at 10pm, if you're able to make it then great, if not i'll pass you some other time
Ohhh I can't be on right now tho. I'll be online 4 hours from now if that's alright for you my ign is Miss
Feels weird to bump my own giving thread, but i still have some chairs to give away!!!!! wru newbs??????????????????????
Yeap both are still available Feel free to add me in BL first (IGN: HarMee), and we'll see when to make the trade then.