Using Assassinate during boss runs should not disconnect you anymore since it was probably fixed some time ago when it was an issue (this guide hasn't been updated since then). In regards to bossing (Zakum, Krex specifically), you will want to focus on ME. Once you begin working on maxing out Assassinate later along with your damage, you can also use a combination of Assassinate+Bstep too. The determination of which to use is mainly based on your individual dropping speed (for ME) versus your attack damage (for Bstep, Assassinate). There's other factors too, but as a shad, I can white Zakum's body pretty well with ME alone.
Hey all, thanks for your responses! Checked with a few shads in-game and they've said that they dont experience this. So I would think it's been fixed. To answer your question, OSMS2007, saw it in the very guide this thread is attached to? Under the mechanics section. Here it is: Skill Mechanics First of all, let me point out that Shadowers have three glitched 4th job skills. These are Ninja Ambush, Taunt and Assassinate. Two skills, Ninja Ambush and Taunt, don’t work at all; they just show their animations and that’s it, no damage and no effect. Assassinate, on the other hand, is different. The skill works fine in theory; however, its true purpose, attack combos at bosses, is nullified because it simply disconnects you. If you find any other info in my description that is wrong or you see something is missing, please tell me! In any case, it seems to be fixed/untrue so it's all good. But now my assassinate quest isnt working! HAHA will try to contact a GM in-game, i guess. THe boxes I hit spawn monsters but dont break, and i can't seem to progress up the levels.
what does "LV. 60-90 Top, 28+ all-stat LUK scrolled" mean? Are there even tops that give +28 to all stats? Sorry I'm kinda confused
28+ stat means the total amount of stats the top gives you. So if you have a 24 luk, 4 dex top that makes +28 stats.
Any tips on lv70, Lv1 ME training? For example, how much money should I drop to kill Gobies? Also, how much money is needed to kill HH? I see you written down the money needed for Dreamy Ghost and Bigfoot, but not HH. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry for the late reply, but I HIGHLY recommend going to himes to train for the next 40-50 levels. Upon reaching my job advancement to Chief Bandit, I began dropping ~90-100k and I got nearly 18 levels (17 levels 98%) in about 2 1/2-3 hours approximately. After maxing ME (which you should max first followed by Meso Guard) you can drop 25 bags of 2200 which equates to 55k total as the guide states. Good luck to you
In response to the HP washing section of the guide, I feel like it's best for shadowers to wash to at least 6k hp if they want to be any decent. I personally am washing to high 7k's or 8k as I believe that it will be a lot more comfortable to properly HT.
Lvl 71 CB here, just got to the 3rd job today. Damn, this job is fun af. Any tips for skill build for now? ME is bugged right now and it will take a while to fix..So..Should I max assaulter first? BOT? Or maybe meso guard? O.O I have 1 point in assaulter and 3 points at BOT. Should I max any of those asap? Any recommendations? Never played Cb so I'm complete noob with their builds lol
You'd really be better off just waiting for ME to get fixed and max that first. Just follow what the guide says.
It makes sense but the problem is even without ME I'm probably going to level up to 120 or 110 before it gets fixed. Kevin is busy working on CS right now all by himself so it will take time to fix the ME...So should I just ignore the ME for right now and follow the same build, starting with meso guard? Or should I go with BOT/assaulter first?
ME is also an expensive way to level. I know money is easy to get, but there's something to be said for grinding it out and making money than shooting ahead and penniless. BOT is your first mobber, opening up a bunch of good spots that would have been overwhelming before, however you've gone this far with only single target, you might enjoy going assaulter first, not sure on the training for that though.
I've decided to go with max BOT first. At which level it is going to be useful for training and where should I train with it? Right now I'm farming stoppers and grinding at the same time, but it gets a little bit slow.
Q: Why everybody so into DEX Earrings, which are very expensive, and do not go into LUK Earrings, that are really cheap compared to DEX ?
usually people use dex earrings to have lower base dex because maple warrior give more the more base luk you have. if you use 10dex earrings you have 10 more base luk which gives like 1luk(11 total) with maple warrior. if you have 10luk earrings you have those 10 ap in dex you will not gain any luk from mw.
What's an updated training guide past level 30 with the new source? When can I also start doing bosses like bf and ht once I have meso explosion maxed?
Magatia, those metal things that are like level 40 or something are AMAZING. What level are you currently?
I can't completely answer your question, but I remember what I did on my CB back on GMS. After I got BoT high enough or maxed I was at typhons (flying sheep things above windraiders) around 80 and it was really fast experience. As for before that I can't help you because I used ME at elder wraiths to get through the 70s. EDIT: Oh yeah, without ME I guess you could just grind at windraiders til you get BoT high enough to be useful then move on to typhons.