If anyone would like a refund for their dragon elixir that was on the [later cancelled] run yesterday, please PM me in-game (2spooky), ~gm in-game or post a character issues thread if no one's around. I will cross off names as you are refunded -- excluding those who cancelled yesterday (duduludadada and lLux). @maggles, @Manslut, @Forsberg, @Hampa @Blasphemy, @Thom, @jmmainvi, @Neshium, @Maffoo, @isidoro30, @chris13 -> If I am forgetting someone's forum name, please let them know that I'm refunding elixirs. Range Party 1. Dick Lvl. 19x (Night Lord) 2. Shot Lvl. 18x (Corsair) 3. PureHeroin Lvl. 16x (Corsair) 4. Blasphemous Lvl. 17x (Bishop) 5. Barbell Lvl. 17x (Bow Master) 6. Thom Lvl. 14x (Dark Knight) Melee Party 1. Pact Lvl. 19x (Paladin) 2. ManSIut Lvl. 17x (Shadower) 3. duduludadada Lvl. 17x (Hero) Maffoo 4. 2spooky Lvl. 16x (Hero) 5. lLux Lvl. 17x (Hero) Tsuzin 6. Wulas
Still need one more person for tonights run. also @jmmainvi do you think you can make it? or still not sure? :x
updated with a Saturday run at 8pm gmt. welcome to signees - but only two parties. @Neshium for a sunday run?
If there's still space for me on the Saturday run I'd love to come! IGN: Maffoo Job: Night Lord Level: 185 Need: Fun
Saturday, 21st of Saturday 08:00pm GMT Range Party 1. Dick Lvl. 19x (Night Lord) 2. Maffoo Lvl. 18x (Night Lord) 3. LuckyLook Lvl. 200 (Night Lord) 4. Huff Lvl. 17x (Dark Knight) 5. Barbell Lvl. 17x (Bow Master) 6. Blasphemous Lvl. 17x (Bishop) Melee Party 1. 2spooky Lvl. 16x (Hero) 2. MrBronkz Lvl. 17x (Hero) 3. Contraband Lvl. 163 (Bishop) 4. PureHeroin Lvl. 16x (Corsair) 5. Thom Lvl. 14x (Dark Knight) 6. ManSIut Lvl. 17x (Shadower) Reserve: Onix