Sorry, the range party is full. We are currently looking for an extra bishop and melee attackers. Party so far: Spoiler: Thursday, 26th of March 06:00pm GMT Range Party 1. Rough Lvl. 16x (Night Lord) 2. PureHeroin Lvl. 18x (Corsair) 3. Sh0ok Lvl. 16x (Marksman) 4. PomfPomf Lvl. 15x (Night Lord) 5. Egonic Lvl. 17x (Night Lord) 6. Melon Lvl. 16x (Bishop) Melee Party 1. pokemon Lvl. 16x (Buccaneer) 2. MrBronkz Lvl. 18x (Hero) 3. KiciaF3 Lvl. 17x (Arch Mage I/L) 4. Yebin Lvl. 15x (Bishop) 5. ManSIut Lvl. 17x (Shadower) 6. Extra: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Posted three runs for next week to be hosted by PureHeroin: Monday (21:30GMT), Tuesday (21:30GMT) and Wednesday (20:30GMT) Sign up below.
Updated parties for Monday (so far), we could use more attackers. Spoiler: 30th of March 21:30:00GMT Range Party 1. PureHeroin 18x (Corsair) 2. PomfPomf 16x (Nigh Lord) 3. 4. MrTeabags 18x (Marksman) 5. Sh0ok 17x (Marksman) 6. copyleft 17x (Bishop) Melee Party 1. MrBronkz 18x (Hero) 2. Moderato 16x (Arch Mage) 3. 4. 5. 6. Purge 16x (Bishop) Extra: 1. iFiendMolly 16x (Bishop) 2. We have our two bishop spots filled as well as a reserve for Monday. What days can you join?