Hosting a run tomorrow. If a lot of people turn up and there is less lag, then I might schedule more runs for this week.
hey ty it's ben. if you ever need a NL, or bishop when i finish quest, i can run. Both 155, both no htp/egg
I'm considering hosting a run today, Sun 28th at 6:30pm GMT. Let me know or be online around then if you're interested!
Thanks to the new hard drive, the server seems to be working perfectly. So I will be resuming synergy horntail runs: 1. tuesday 21:30 (gmt) server time 2. thursday 21:30 (gmt) server time
1. tuesday 21:30 (gmt) server time 2. thursday 21:30 (gmt) server time Coming to both I guess. You decide if it's copy or Sith.