Well I think it's fair to at least make the argument that in a way, leeching doesn't have a place in this game. I suppose it's a matter of what you have in mind for Royals in terms of the experience it provides. In my opinion things have run a bit amok on Royals with the abundance of items and in this case, the lack of provided incentive to grind by yourself. I suspect the current state of MapleRoyals doesn't entirely allign with what was first envisioned when this server launched. The server advertises old-school, nostalgic gameplay that will bring you back to the years of your childhood, but anyone who plays here, and played the official game in its state in 2007/2008 knows it's not really true. On paper it looks reminiscent of the 2008-experience, but things have over the years taken a turn for something different to the point where it's unfair to new players to make any significant changes. I do think however, it's partly the attitude of "you don't have to do X & Y" along with the idea that the admins should not dictate how the players play or experience the game that has led the server into the state it is now. On the contrary, I think it's the role of the admins to do exactly that; decide how the game is to be experienced, or at least provide a framework on a which a metagame can develop that at least somewhat alligns with the vision the they first had for the game. It's understandable if it's too late to make any such big changes to the game now, but I think in this case it's perhaps a bit misleading to advertise the game as oldschool and nostalgic. It's grindy, yes, but only really if the player himself makes it so. I hope this didn't come across as me putting words in the mouth of anyone, it's all just based on my assumptions and opinions.
Buffing party quest EXP would be greatly beneficial to players lvl 51+. As stated multiple times, it's WAY too slow at those levels, training is faster but still not GOOD. Also on the topic of buffing party quests, GM's should look into changing this "rush party quest" non sense. It not only splits the community in half but makes people fight over which is better or not, which can get very tiresome. LPQ seemed to get rid of the "rush party quest" and that was a VERY good idea and helps LPQers as a whole in finding parties. I will add that "rush party quest"ing is far from Nostalgic and makes PQing extremely boring.
Just my $0.02. purely opinion based on my observations: The party quest and low level training area being empty in MapleRoyals compared to the 2008/2009 GMS is because of the higher rate exp gain. 3.2/4.0 vs 1. It was much harder to level and reach 4th job at GMS than to Royals (for obvious reason), and low level characters/players stay at low level a heck lot longer, therefore the low level training area and party quest tend to be full. HP washing is easily available in Royals, where HP washing is very rare (ratio compared the size of the player base) in GMS since it cost real money. Majority of the experienced players do mp wash and double or triple washing so their character is basically unusable until they reach 135+. Therefore leeching is just about the only option aside from rush PQ with high level or doing exchange quest to lv 3x. There is not really a solution to this. To "fix" this you'll need to take free nx away from everyone, and make everyone level slower if you want to have full PQ at every channels and having to fight map ownership at low level maps. Old source skele and petri map for an example. People fight over ownership all the time because those maps are useful for a very long time/many many levels to majority of the high level community. If you want that to be true at low level training maps, you'll need to make those map useful to many people for a long period of time or people can just grind it for a few hours and then move on to the next map. Coolie map for another example was one of the most popular map back in the old 2006~2007 GMS time before haunted house was available because player will grind there for weeks or even months at the same map to get from level 50 to 80.
That might have been me who you saw. I was making this HS Mule for my Arch Mage, and it was boring as hell to grind at MP3. Since I already have a Bishop, decided to leech myself, and also sold split for an extra income XD I remember that time, we had guild wars there and such because of ksers. Since I started on this server, I always had some thoughts about all this leeching discussion. No wonder why INT equips are so expensive, everybody has mages/bishops for leeching, also HP washing. Seems something that will never be over. But making PQ's better would half that up. Increasing the EXP you get from the mobs inside, and the EXP Reward from each stage. Also, Idk if it was only my bad luck, but the few K/LPQ I did, I had no scrolls from the end... That used to be helpful for starters back in '07... And having some better reward from the end, would make people want to finish it instead of Rush PQ. Edit Oh, and also... PQ Level Limits please! No more high level bishops at LPQ for fast rushing. Bring up the Nostalgia!
I agree 100%. It's just that I've voiced this opinion many times and it nothing ever really comes of it, so I'm trying to steer the discussion in a more progressive direction with ideas that could realistically be implemented without a large portion of the server getting upset (between me n' you though, I'd let em weep)
Yes, I've always thought buffing the rewards would be good. Make them rare too, make some things like a 1% chance, something that would really get you excited if you got it! Like the boxes at the of OPQ and LPQ just spit out complete NPC garbage (in GMS i probably liked that stuff since money was scarce).
Yea do something interesting to the PQs please coz some people out there actually want to level themselves and having non useless PQs or PQ mechanics or PQ rewards would certainly attract more people. My biggest concern is third job coz everything is usually shit by then and we currently have OPQ until 80 then you're most likely buying leech. I haven't met any standard class grind out third job yet. And if they did they had their own perfect conditions. I'm talking about the average player who is weak af and hasn't got buff mules or doesn't know high level friends to come save him. That to me is dead as fuck.
To me it doesn't make much sense that leeching is the fastest way of leveling. Why would hanging on a rope be faster than actually putting effort and grinding or PQing? I'm in favor of buffing PQ's exp to make it at least as fast as leeching.
Carnival pq when I think once carnival is fixed, training will be less of a pain for the 30-50 bracket. And im sure those lower level leechers will become less noticeable as well. Those speigleman necks are pretty nice to have for lower level hp washing and you can be sure people will run it for that reason alone.
I totally agree with this. Even though leeching isn't obligatory, it did become more popular after the new source. I don't know what it is—whether it's the economy, nerfed party quests, or just most of the party quests not being able to work in general—though I do miss the whole interactive teamwork. Maybe it's because I'm a higher level... I'm just waiting for the day that CPQ, APQ, and ACPQ (Ariant Coliseum Party Quest) gets fixed and when the exp from LPQ and LMPQ becomes buffed, then maybe that's able to bring back the fun.
When you buy leech, do you just sit there and stare at your experience bar for the whole hour(s) and do nothing? Serious question
I'm currently in the process of leeching a thief up to 135 and I'm 100 % positive leeching is slower than actual grinding on low levels. 1-75 is a nightmare for leeching. Leeching only becomes a problem from 75 and onwards, when it's possible to leech at wolf spiders, because of the tremendous amount of EXP increase from Ghost Ship to Wolf Spiders. The move from GS to WS is almost 5x EXP increase on base exp (1x). Level 75-100 becomes as easy as levels 30-40. But honestly, that's not even the reason why leeching becomes better than actual grinding. The real reason is Holy Symbol and how it interacts. You're rewarded most EXP in a party of two, where both members are in level range of the mobs. If there's 3+ members in the map, the EXP bonus isn't as beneficial. Holy Symbol should honestly be reworked in a way so it encourages active party play instead of party of two. But for this to work properly, you'd have to nerf the ultimate abilities such as Blizzard, Genesis, etc., otherwise there's no mobs for the rest of the party.
I would definitely agree with buffing the exp from PQs. I dont have much to say bcs i joined after new source, Mid year of 2017 ish. All these aside, i grinded my char off till 71. I was a priest back then and OPQ wasnt fixed yet at that time. It was hell, couldnt find Pt at WS bcs most of the ppl there are Bishops selling leech. I dont have the $$ at that time. Thank my Guildies, a few of them leeched me for free till 75 when they were free. Decided if i want to past from 75-85(before going ulu1) i had to buy leech using all the savings i had. Then... give hs for leech from lvl85-101 where hell begins again. Leeching at Ulu2 by giving HS to atkers, in 1hr i only gained like 20+ %. Managed to get past 4th job due to buddy that reached bishop first before me and leeched me. Q.Q Aint complaining but really, i hope PQs are buffed and the other pqs are back, so the newbies that joined wont have to go through "Leeching is quite the *only way* out now, unless u wanna grind with low damage(New Player aint funded) past lvl70". lvl110-120 was hell cant deny that
Actually, from lvl 65 you can leech at windraiders, which is by far superior to gs2. I gained around a lvl each 30 minutes or so. Priest draw the short end of the straw in terms of grinding alone in 3rd job compared to most classes anyway. But leeching is fastest for nearly any class apart from chief bandits and f/p mages.
usually people who are buying leech doesn't actually sit there watching the exp go up. They mostly go afk
I have a perma 120 bs so I sold a lot of low level leech in old source, it's nothing new. I've sold leech at Jr. Wraiths, Teddies, Platoon Chronos, Master Chronos, Wraiths, Red Slimes, all the GS maps... I guess the number of new bishops has made it easier to buy. I saw more smegas selling low level leech before more people buying it. Most of my customers before were hp washing, only a handful were just bored of grinding or had the mesos to burn.
I'm sure this would be an unpopular opinion but what if you actually removed the possibility of low level leech? I don't know how to put this into words but it would be something like this: Wolf Spiders are level 80 so ideally you would be able to leech exp without doing any work at level 75. So instead of being able to leech exp from a monster you are 5 levels below, how about make it so that you leech exp based on the level of the attacker AND the level of the monster? For example you will have to be at least 5 levels below the monster AND 20 levels within range of the attacker. So in this situation, you'd have to be level 75 with a level 95 attacker in order to leech at Wolf Spiders. So to say, in order to leech at WS from a Bishop or Arch Mage, you'll have to be level 100 at least. By the way, this is not coming from a funded player. My account currently has 1 character, who is a level 12x Bucc. Its the only character I have and I can honestly say I've only bought 2 hours of leech to survive 90~100.