There are some people who still play, I'll come back for a bit during the Easter event to have some fun
If no one is on to add you to the other guilds you can join the rejects guild of Newbology, just lmk your IGN (Might be helpful for other people as well). Nvm taking a break and praying for 800 x 600
I know I quit. But since I'm stuck at home, I guess I have to resort to Quarantine and Chill Island and Chill.
Road to 75! If you do make end up making an Islander, let me know! I have a bunch of spare items I can give you.
Haha I wouldn't mind one if I manage to catch you online and I figured it'll be best to ask you - apart from having the empty compass and collecting NEWS, we can't partake further in any Easter festivities right?
DM me here, or on discord: Klagenfurt#0688 and I can give you one of those items I'm active for the time being!
My F2 disappeared before I could get the screenshot, but thank you @Gert for the Maple Island boosts! And involving Islanders somewhat in today's mad influx of events haha (and nice meeting you too @LE1HX!)
Exactly... Mooshy is in fact a huge part of what’s next to come. Him and I have been talking a lot as of late. Also, one person can’t do it all. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
I once wanted to go really fast as well, actually worked out greatly imho. Now I want to go far, with others.
Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is doing fine during and all. For those of you wondering what Sawngo is talking about in the above message, I'm here to clarify. Me and Sawngo had a nice voice chat for roughly 3 hours yesterday, and despite the negativity that is portrayed on him due to past events, but he is honestly a great guy. I'm not here to defend him, I'm basically just trying to brush everything aside, because people do change. But this isn't what this post is primarily focused on. During the 3 hour chat that we had, we basically filled each other in on personal stuff, but a majority of it focusing on Maple Island itself! Which brings us to the main point of this post. Me and Sawngo were basically thinking about revamping this thread, and we wanted basically all the Islanders opinions on what you guys want in it. After May 18th (1 week from today), I will officially graduate, and I'll have a lot of free time! But I do want to work on things rather quick, since I'm sure Anniversary event is coming in around a month, and that's usually when some Islanders come back. With that being said, I will be making a poll, and it would be very beneficially if you guys voted for something. Also, level 76!