Hey, nice to meet ya! Accepted so just whisper either myself or one of our Juniors to send you an invite!
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: NyxNyxFire / 178 / Archimage F/P NAME | AGE: Erick / 21 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Peru / GMT+5 WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Need practice my ingles Kappa and like GPQ and others runs have other NL 195 C:
iFingerPaint| 49 | Cleric Hyuna | 16 USA | EST (GMT-5) I would like to join because I am new to this server and would like to make and hangout with friends~ Also, the guild looks like I would have tons of fun!
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: Steven / 92 / Hermit NAME | AGE: Steven | 21 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Texas | Central WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Fate transfer, looking for a new active guild and my #1 choice was our allys.
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: novacane, 75 crusader NAME | AGE: David 19 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Montreal EST (UTC -5:00) WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: because i'm looking for a new and active guild that I can grow with!
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: MYKandy, 35, i/l NAME | AGE: Andy, 19 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Calgary, AB, Mountain Times WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Just started on this server and looking forward to make some friends and hopefully do some boss runs in the future!
IGN | LEVEL | JOB: Kungpow / 138 / Bishop NAME | AGE: Dan | 20 LOCATION | TIMEZONE: Canada | EST WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN LOTUS?: Fate transfer, also wanted to join an active guild that do boss runs.
GN/Level/Job: BPopsic/135/Bishop Name/Age: Zach/18 Location/Timezone: Toronto, Canada/ EST Why do you want to join Lotus: To meet new people and gain experience with great players and great people!
Sadashi | 32 | Spearman Sadashi | 20 NYC | Eastern US UTC-5:00 Lotus seems like a great guild to join and since I'm fairly new I would like a strong and active community that I can rely on.