Aww... Even after my promise, I wasn't able to make it T//^//T. Though I'm so proud of you Heli. Grats for being the 3rd shadower in the WHOLE server to hit 200. That's sooo AMAZING!! *hugs*♥
@WarPowerr took a stab (on his bandit, geddit?) at Squids, and saved me from my personal hell of 10 INT Blue Varr Shoe hunting. It's actually his accomplishment, not mine, but not having to go back feels like a damn accomplishment to me.
Yeah, my goal was to have a matched lv 100 set with stats comparable to my lv 80 set (which included 10 INT shoes).
Long overdue, but I bought an mw20 (at these ridiculous prices) and it passed! Also, after being on this server for 2 years and raising seven 4th jobbers, a priest, and several other mules, I finally leveled to 190 and am pretty damn happy about it. ty for helping me when I was noob @mellor =)
Been on this server for the longest time ever. Shared a whole lot of laughter, sorrow and joy with some of the most awesome-st people I've met. Thanks everyone who have been a part of my journey here. Here's a short clip to commemorate this little achievement of mine
So... i was at showa trying to get a Dex maple leaf and out of no where BAM PS: didn't get a Dex maple leaf Can anyone do p/c for this plz