Might not be the best stats, but scrolled this tonight. If anyone wants to buy it, pm me an offer, might take you up on it.
Well, its been a long road to get to where i'm at in this game. I couldn't have done it without the help of everyone I bossed with, had fun memories with, and just had an all out good time with. I especially couldn't have ever imagined making it this far in this game without @Foxi by my side this whole time. I love you dearly bby <33 Finished this claw 7/55 Its been a fun road getting to this point. Also broke into the 7k range with MW20! Since I only have 1 C Ilbi, I figured it only fair to do my range on Hwabi!
for sure there is but this might potentially be better idk. however only 10dex on this o is usefull for buccs using 110knuckle
4 years later ez. It wouldn't have been possible without everyone who's helped me throughout the years on Royals. Therefore I thank you all, my friends, guildmates and even the randoms with my sweat and tears. Thank you!! Siegemeyer 200 in 2021 confirmed...?
Gave a chaos scroll and two white scrolls to an old friend of mine who gave me a stonetooth sword and 20m during my early days. I don't have a screenshot of it since i may or may not be lying. Also i got another warning from John so that's an accomplishment.