almost 2 months later and I can finally stop bumping that thread. Shoutout to @Swanky for coming in clutch last second with the mesos to cover tax , @Porom for convincing me to save up for my first perfect weapon, and @ginwolf for pming me non-perfect RC's, and anyone else who I may have forgotten!
All thanks to my Krexel buddy @Huff. I was so excited a year ago to loot my first ever godly Krex ring, even though it was only 4 int. And both chaoses failed, of course. Now a 6 int ring, even if it only chaosed up +3. NEXT! An 8 int ring??? Taking Hufy's sage advice to just WS 10% the thing to 14 int haha. Lowkey regret not thinking of that this time. Thank you Hufy!!!
Got my first char to 200 and finished my skis today. Shout out to OzzyNL,Sadmickey, and my guild Rogue. I couldn't have done it w/o y'all!! Thanks to all who came to my 200 party, i'll never forget this
LV 200 BM! THX to those ppl who bossed with me or let me leech when I play other jobs . U all know who u are. like uhh @Anthrodynia @MushroomYoYo @Peter10414 @Joeyz @Momo @Aeronautics @Geniee @linsir @r3make @xBabyCara @Wiggle's members Special thx to @Shnang for recording video for me. Thx to ppl who came to mine party yesterday , and some friends downloaded royal again for join! but delete again???? But unfortunately some friends can't come cuz one forgot his pin password and prayed admin reply in an hour @TNC_boyboy fell asleep and forgot to set alarm clock @bigbaby op master ... one can't play game cuz laptop's internet card broke @lambertt Genius download game can't play cuz he use win8 , met some probelms that we can't solve.@Ching nvm ..the final one is still installing royals after I lved 200 15minutes later @TORBY no worry , at least @bylee @Rinka @Kite are here. @Momo yoo so good , go date still come L>MW20 Refund thx Oh and @Ray Don't be sad . Lv 200 one more soon I think.