Got this after 7 reloot, should I reloot again for the 8att ? Btw it's a luck run when first MoN is 7att and the second I loot is 6 att Spoiler
Last chaos scroll OP traded 14wa fs to @2ScoopRice 15/1 -> 20/0 3/6->6/5->11/4->idk->19/2 Spoiler 10/10 would do it again!
I FINALLY GOT SUMMONING ON MY FREAGGING MAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -I know it might be easy for everyone but I went through many mistakes while doing this quest chain rip I made the same mistake on doing meteor quest and sean laugh, facepalm so hard at me. Before you get elquines quest, you need to get fire demon. I hunt the book from kentaurus, hunt for 5minutes it didn't drop =3=, until sean come it drops instantly??? HELLO POLICE? Okay anyway, I got the book, happily moving to npc but . IT DIDNT HAVE QUEST. I panic for entire night so I decide to do it next day. The next day it's still the same thing. I went forth & back from 1st job npc to 4th job npc for 8times. I'm like this is the end of my royals life I'm goodbye UNTIL, my friend told me check progress. die. I took it n months ago which I don't even realised myself. NICE LA. So I continued. Took ship to orbis, went down the tower, reached el nath. I waited for people who's going zakum run and asked for free doors to zakum entrance. (TQ to those 3 party who helped me, god bless you with gene 20, 22helm, chaos scroll) Let me begin why I said 3. Because I make mistake again The 1st time was when I reached the entrance, I accidentally changed channel....... y'all know what that mean. But I walked and complete the quest. ~yay~. So I continued the quest peacefully. The next step of quest was to go for jq. Okay I wait for another zakum party which they appeared. I entered the door, press the npc and- I didn't get permission from my 3rd job instruction. Die. So I nearest town back, and wait for another zakum pt for door... But I completed this part yayyy!!!! Next part was hunting etc, here was nothing. I hunted everything, got ores from other players, sean help me refined it, continued with it. And then... this part was to hunt key from gatekeepers. I thought gatekeepers was Thanatos too (pls dont judge I can't help but think both left right side has the same mob) until I went to other side....... I literally at myself. But I did it anyway. I completed the quest with sean's I/L help and acquire elquines summoning! Passed the 20 easily, fail 3 30 and finally pass it. That's a wrap and people around me has laugh so hard. Thanks to sean's 1 elquine 20, 3 elquine 30 (sry i bombed), aiko's 1 equine 30, js's orihalcon ores, bunny's adamantium ores, yosho's support
Don't know what a perfect MOP is but I know they turn blue at 226, found me a 230attk clean one for 20m and threw two event scrolls on it. #JustBeginnerThings. Also hit 100 on my Chief Bandit a couple of days ago. update: sad to inform that I blew my mop.
I think I used up all of my backlogged luck from the past 6 years yesterday. Made a 30att Khanjar (already sold) and a 12int mask (which I needed, didn't have anything before!) Scrolls used - 2 Raccoon Masks, 5x 30% (1 boomed immediately, 3x pass, 1 fail) and 3 100% (I got nervous, decided to finish with 100%s lol)