After being pretty emo about the game's economy and tilt-selling my knuckle to scroll my DPS, @lee1 saved my royals career with an INSANE 7/28! Spoiler: . 1/1 1/7 1/3 1/13 1/1 1/1 1/2 Thank you so much, I'll always remember this! And I wasn't even sure 64 WS were gonna be enough...
Some recent notable achievements Spoiler: Pro mouse kit Spoiler: First godly roll on Zhelm Spoiler: 2,000/3,200 hp from the daily
Those who knows me know how much I was obsessed with this specific chair, I always said that my only objective here on royals was to get this chair (i've been trying to get this chair for almost a year!). This is my greatest accomplishment i have ever done in this server!
Finished Quest Virtuoso on my shad. Now 1 Legendary and 2 Virtuoso on my main characters . Now thinking what shall be next
3rd level 200, together with @CindyTsai and @HsLoneT ! Thanks to both Wiggle and Cozy for having me and to all my amazing friends for keeping me company on this grind Love you all, many more to come
My first lvl 200 attacker after playing sooooo many years! Special thanks to @Doo help me almost everything to build my nl, @Juju and @Momo carry when i was low-leveled, Jay ,@VitaLemonade, royo and @zzkelvinxx1 for daily boss run! Thanks @Donn1e and @HsLoneT having lvl200 party with me! Thanks friends from Wiggle, Savior, and whoever helped me! Also, got quest virtuoso from the last echo quest!
finally finished DPS xD 1/16>2/22>3/24.>>>7/41 ya >w<b thank @Doo @royo Wiggle / Rogue firends trade ws for me Q_Q @Thyaeria buy daily krex service and thank @drainux buy daily scar let me have mesos to buy ws
Hasn't been long since the 12 minute duo huh? Well guess what! The MiCry duo took on the built-different Broccoli for one last time.. And broke the 10 minute mark (kinda)
I finally hit 200 and this is where I had planned to do it, but some of you may have seen my screw up earlier today (apparently math is hard at 1.6 something bil exp). Thank you to everyone that helped carry my solo Pally ass through boss runs, especially to everyone I met in Treasure and Cozy. And I guess my brother @Minty gets a shoutout too since I made him bring 3-4 mules anytime we bossed. On to the next I guess.
Finally got to 200 on my first char in royals! and it was a loooong journey https://i./0cRmVQx/Maple0022.jpg https://i./QcrQqfS/200.png thanks guildmates and friends who attended