I've done the unthinkable, scrolled a 2nd Auf Helm Spoiler: . Back in February, I realized that I am spoiled by my NL's Auf Helm and I don't enjoy playing my shad without one. Despite my best friends telling me that I am crazy, I set a daily farm goal and a plan to finish this 2nd helm somewhere around August. Today, I officialy hit 200 of each scroll after some very consistent 5 months of farming. I'm so happy that I got to do this my way, without any downgrades, inherits, massive loans or using my credit card. Spoiler: 1st helm And the best part? Spoiler: click me 20/129! I guess I never get to complain about being unlucky again. Huge thanks to: - @Barte @Nerd @autismax @Ras @MengQian @TunaBelly @yann For the countless Auf scrolls sales, it wouldn't be possible without friends who were willing to sell me for a reasonable price! - @Kloss For being my Auf partner for a few months now, and for being my main source of motivation. You were always beside me through the good and bad days, and I'm sure that I will see you with a finished helm yourself very soon - @nut For the many many duo Auf runs and more reloots than I can count, also for the 19 auf scrolls you loaned me today. I didn't use them but I appreciate you regardless. It's nice to have a friend like you genuinely rooting for me and being happy when I succeed - The friends who stuck by me through this journey, helping me enjoy the game, most notably @lxlx for encouraging me daily with positivity. This game wouldn't be worth playing without an amazing and supportive group of friends. I wish I could say it's time to rest, but that would be a lie
It's the first time in my Royals career I've ever had 20b at once. Thanks for buying all my stuff in the FM throughout the years.
After 6 years in royal I finally lvl 200 today All thanks to my friends and every kind ppl I have met I have a lot of fun in my lvl 200 party
feeling i had a great luck scrolling my first zhelm for my bishop, hope it will help me train faster!
Finally took the time to 30k HP my NL, Hero, and Bucc. Left the Hero and NL at 28k forever. Feels good to see that even number.
Tengu (Black Crow) has always been my childhood trauma due to the constant 8k damage dealt (lots of deaths in MapleSEA) Even if I have the damage in Royals to kill Tengu, still afraid of it Took 1 hour to solo it with the level 109 DK
1/1 work on this today with zero faith lol https://i./xqW2B06/Captura-de-Pantalla-2023-08-05-a-la-s-12-08-51.png
https:///0DqMVk1 If y'all need a lucky scrolling spot, go on top of the tower at NLC because I just got +3 with 13 WSs LOL. So some backstory to this wand because it has a interesting story. Back in 2017 I used to be highly active and I wanted to be the first one to create a perfect ewand 6. I sold endless hours of leech, made a whole army of farming mules to try to get there, but after over most likely 100b spent I was stuck at +4. Iirc, I blew up all the supply of perfect ewand 6 back then because I kept hoping to get a +1 with a 30% before WS but they kept blowing up so I 10%/WS this wand from slot 1 . Life became busier, I lost interest, then I gave up on my goal. Recently, I noticed I had around 1.2m NX in my account, so I decided to come back and gach it all and use up all the little money I had left. This past week I ended up obtaining 15 WS (2 WS that I accidentally wasted scrolling a ST for shits and giggles because I forgot to uncheck it ). Before scrolling I smega'd and asked if I would get a +1 or all 13 WSs would go to waste. I got some good lucks wishes and here we are. I'm not the first one to scroll a perfect ewand 6 anymore (I believe Martin scrolled one after I gave up on my goal?) but I'm still very happy about it even tho I quit the game years ago lol.