Level 200 with @Kloss and @Barte and the fastest VL run on the server at the same time, what more can I ask for? Thank you Finland, love you all! Spoiler: group picture
Big thank you to everyone who helped me get this medal! All of buddy list / guild/ alliance / party questers and VL Team
I just wanted to boom something after some time... idk what to do now 2 STR 2 DEX 2 Speed Spectrum Goggles 70% Eye LUK Pass CS +5 +1 +4 +0 -1 CS+WS +4 +3 +5 -1 +2 Shoutout to @PinaColadaPirate Edit: B>Eye LUK 10% help me finish this
I boomed a 103/14 king cent 6x scrolled with clean slate scroll 20%. This was yesterday, Felt lucky and bought some kc clean 79att. At one KC i managed to hit 5x 30% on it, was at one point 99/12 1 slot, but i though lets go another 30% and made it 104/15 I have much more luck with 30% scrolls then Chaos scroll !
Got my up-and-coming Paladin a 16/17/22/18 Zakum Helmet for washing and passed 9 60%s. My Bishops with their 31 and 30 INT helms are quaking. Thanks to Pneumonic, AirBag, DrSev7en & ALUXE!
Bought clean 5 att bfc and tried a chaos scroll on it. Was thinking either fail or _att. But it went +4att, Sold 9/4 for 3.1b. Then I sold my 14att bfc for 14cs, 1ws and 250m Bought anther cs and traded 3b and 15cs,1ws for +15att purple tagged bfc!
So initially I had my doubts about CSing my VL belt Spoiler Seeing as I probably won't get one like this again And after the 1st CSd slot Spoiler I quit for a while But now I have returned And RNG giveth and taketh (0/9 WS+Eye LUK 10% on Goggles) Spoiler Soo at least for now I can say I didn't destroy a godly belt Shoutout to Finland for letting me come on their runs