Finally fucking done with this shit 5/80 -> 9/60 -> 6/33 20/173 in total, crazy journey Thank you to everyone who helped me along the way especially the people in Tenacity, Rice, Heroic, and Finland. Shout out to @TofuMasterD @Green Mind @Donn1e who aufed regularly with me, and also credit to Rose fucking garden. Spoiler: 0-80 Spoiler: 81-140 Spoiler: 141-finish
It's purple Spoiler: purple leaf journey 6 luk maple leaf( who need 11luk) 1st +1 dex ( 1x face accessory for dex 60% scroll) 2nd +1 dex +5luk ( 1xchaos scroll) 3rd +2 dex +5luk ( 1xchaos scroll) 4th +2luk (used 2ws+10%) 5th +2luk ( used 5ws+10%) 6th +2 luk ( used 5ws+10%) 7th +2 luk ( used 8ws+10%) your turn @Nerd @Doo @Johnny
Last night on 5/26/24 our 12 man VL group went fully deathless. Not a single res used on this 50 minute run! Shout out to iClapCheeks, DarkFogBlade, Dezperadow, LDMbandit, Lmmer, Sylafia, 2Pro4Skem (Lord4th), Palamoo, Crags, DripBrew, Yumeri, & HotnNBothered for a perfect run!! https:///tqHDJ0N
Get my first pq flower crown today Thanks to all random ppl or newplayers or close friends doing pq with me Takes like years since not really want to rush for it (or just me being lazy loll And doing pq with random is fun too Glad can share this happiness with everyone noob ss with 11th anni yeti:
200 runs of Von Leon! Took us a while to reach this milestone, in a time you can spam 10 runs a week i've been trying to keep a sane pace that won't burn me out. We're probably closer to 220~ runs, counting the ones i've co-hosted with @cremcrem. Despite it being more stale than before, there were still a lot of fun moments that will stay with me. As always, it's a pleasure to be in the same group as you guys! Some stats once again: Clears: 194 Fails: 6 Last fail: 30/09/2023 (pre nerf patch) Clear streak: 110 runs # of 12 man: who knows at this point # of 11 man: 2 # of 10 man: 19 # of 9 man: 1 # of 8 man: 1 Noteable achievements from the 100 runs: Speedrun: Server's first 8 man: Server's first deathless run: To many more! (and hopefully with some new updates/buffs to adapt to ) Thanks as always to everyone involved <3
After the very financial responsible endeavor of ws+60 this perf thief top. This Ironman finally has finished this top. went 6/6 -> 1/5 Next mission is to CS Anni Earrings and then prolly cry a lot after.
this is a failure https://i./bz5gbJj/failed.jpg and my nl dies https://i./G0kwkcH/logro.jpg and at the same time an achievement we managed to kill krex by doing a duo without hs unfortunately
I used 6 30% scrolls in a row and they all worked, if it had been on the same item it would have exploded