had about 13 white scrolls saved and thought to give my shield a go! was hoping for at least 2 slots to pass, but i guess RNG gods were with me this time ! 4 slots with 10 white scrolls! i was always wondering when will i have a lucky ws 10% experience like i sometimes see here, and finally i got it!=)
Last time after I quit I kept voting for a while but eventually I stopped around 1.2m? Came back years after to play for a bit, and this time I quit over a year ago and been voting everyday since and will keep voting with no plans of coming back to this game… just doing it because I like having routines LOL.
Solo auf seemed dry at first... Until I saw this 7 int helm! 4 WS + CS attempts later... ez 88 int potential auf (1 above perfect). Time to + ! Continues at https://royals.ms/forum/threads/latest-failure-thread.2509/page-163#post-1477073
Decided to try upgrade some of my main warrior gear! Scrolled: 9str/17dex black neos pants (old was 9str/10dex) 3x30% and 4x60% worked on a 9str clean Scrolled: 17str/2dex 110 pierce earring (old was 15str/1dex glitter earring from elin pq (untradable) ) bought: 2/2/2/1 clean pierce earring, hit 1x30% and rest with 100%event. Overall: +2str / +8dex upgrade!
First 10-Man VL (Almost Deathless) Run w/ Bougie + Fwiends None of us had done a 10-man run before, so nerves were kinda high going in. Super happy we pulled through though ^^ and with 10 minutes left over! SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEATHLESS BUT I WON’T NAME ANY NAMES (it was me) . Also, shoutout to @Crags for rocking this run without his CGS.... Big thanks to the carry team! Tagging people as I figure out forum names: @Myaku, @Crags, @anglerfish1, @SummonShade, @melomance, @NANI1, @Solsticio, @Kaspar , @Abdus Super funny also knowing our VL runs looked like this just 1-2 years ago :
Today, we celebrate our 2nd anniversary in Finland Von Leon! (well, it's kinda tomorrow but I have to be on the road for a week now) It's time for this annual post again. It really doesn't feel like it's been 2 years already, that is a crazy long time I enjoyed every single moment with you guys! Now for the fun part, here are the stats: Total runs: 281 Clears: 275 Fails: 6 Last fail: 30/09/2023 (before nerf, a year and 2 months ago) Clear streak: 191 runs Deathless runs: 5 Active members: 41 # of 12 man: ??? # of 11 man: 2 # of 10 man: 56 # of 9 man: 3 # of 8 man: 1 In the past, I always cared about being the first to do things (first 12 man, 10 man, 8 man, deathless run etc.). But in times where the boss doesn't feel like it can be challenging anymore, we've been aiming for consistency, and consistency we have achieved! Finland will continue to be here every week, for 4 runs a week. Thank you so much to every member involved, old and new. And more specifically, thank you once again to the organizers who made this possible in the first place @autismax @nut @CodGhost @Barte @midwinter Please buff to reignite our passion to push records!
Had some spare tokens on my BS and felt like scrolling a few hats after booming an item or two dex was gone from the second slot BUT the str kept skyrocketing
Thank you all my friends, probably my fastest run I think I had? Spoiler: 05% hp Cleared around 42mins~ And am the server's first person to get 2 8wa boots lol
Imagine someone getting more 8 atk VL boots than you get VL boots as any stats. Craaaazzzy! Fr, congrats though
Since the release of VL, I have joined a lot of VL runs, with the most being 4 Attack. I finally got a better one than 4 Attack, which was 10 ATTACK. I am very grateful to my good friends at Kekw and Create. Without you all, it can’t be done. From