I gained weight. I am 5'11". I suppose I should have mentioned that lol. TMI Edit: Spoiler Went to the toilet. No longer 10 stone. FML. TMI Edit 2: Spoiler
Love that picture LOL. And damn you're pretty thin, then! I'm 1.81m (so like 6') and... -goes google how much kg a stone is- over 12 stone. Or I'm just chubby... ;P
Often the result of too much parkour lache's. But is never a bad thing, to a certain degree. Every time blisters heal on your hands calyce's will form over your cuts, making your hands more resistant to blisters for the next time you go wild on the bars. Worth it.
Finally got over my break up with my GF of 2 years and is ready to get some poon again #SelfieGangKillEm Das me.
Lost a total of 10kg (22 lbs) in about 6 weeks time. It sure is noticeable when the weather is good and I go cycling a lot again!
LOL No I'm not. I'm not overweight or anything, but not skinny, either. I'm normal, if a bit chubby. c:
Got an 86% on my calculus II test this week. Hell yeah. Lost 20 pounds since september. Well, that's not a good thing to some people. I'm now 6ft3 and 162 lbs. I was 182 in september. I lost literally 20 pounds of muscle. That's what I get for suddenly going off daily creatine/protein and substituting lifting for all running in college. Hahaha. All my friends say I look like a different person. L>summer lifting partner. I need to gain weight.
Finally got a proper mouse, and keyboard! PC coming in a few days. much excite! Spoiler Yes I made it V v t
A couple of days ago I finally launched my new portfolio website, I didn't bomb my Nutrition final today, and I have just successfully finished college. Graduation is in 9 days, but FUCK IT I MADE IT!!!!