my first horntail run failure There was no sed there was no hb the nl dies foolishly in the pre boss I feel very sad
Was doing a zak run yesterday with my hero and bs, near the end of 3rd body I was focused on my hero and forgot to re-cast magic guard so my bishop died and about a minute later both clients dc'ed near 10% hp after at least 6 hours online including trio clienting to bigfoot leech myself so it was an annoying dc
Finally got around to buying a zhelm and thought I'd nab a skill book too. No skill book dropped, only 2 helms neither that good. Thought I'd scroll it anyway and only 3/10 60% scrolls hit... that's a 5%-er. Guess I'll go buy another helm tomorrow.
no way this DDOS right at this time....all members except my bs dc at 0.7%. giving me hope to gen and kill it. and bs the last hope dc... we are so tilted... so . sooo dead inside
Boomed a 104 att 6 slots sky ski (99 30%'ed once) after no1 bought it a few days, oh well back to overall int 30% I guess EDIT: another booming session ended up losing about 2b, after an important day at the gym I don't even care, will cover the slim loss shorter than I expcet
okay when i go gacha when i done gacha waht is chair gahca its olympic ring or its also a accomplishment
Hope you can do 5/5 in left slot I am still designing untradable item WS service, but there are some technical issues need to be resolved.
Completely memed @leishun VL 2/6 shoes on my quitting day 6/5 11/4 +0 +0 (I think few failed slots with ws too, around 3-4 in a ROW) -5 And another fail after that I think And final result became 6/0 I guess quitting luck only takes you so far kekw
I spent 3 hours killing the wrong mob for one of the etcs to drop... I even read the quest details in full and still mixed up the drops