I failed 11 straight Maple Warrior/Hero 20's on my Bowmaster in GMS a few years back. They were 500-600m each. xP
Tried my hand at scrolling overalls this morning. Used 43 10% overall ints, and passed two of them. Pass rate of about 4.5% with 10% scrolls because screw statistics. Lucky I was just yoloscrolling and I actually purchased an INT overall last night.
So i landed 4 30% on fallen leaf earrings with no white scrolls. Spoiler I heard nelly call out to me, but then drake appeared with the words of yolo. Spoiler this is why i hate young money
13 mw30s, never forget. Not to mention that on my shadower alone I had failed over 30 level30 mastery books.. Sad times
It just becomes comical after a while, doesn't it? Lol It all started back in 2008 when I failed 5 SE 20's in a row on my Marksman.. I knew at that point, Mastery Books weren't my thing.