I mean to be perfectly honest, its a pretty retarded mechanic to make it auto tick white scrolls when you use them just because it is in your inventory. But regardless, so is using any scroll on any item and hving it work or fail. Everything in this game is your fault. At what point do you decide what to "count" and what not to "count" lol
You could have avoided using those 5 white scrolls if you just paid attention. It is 100% your fault for being negligent of the fact that the box was ticked. Especially when it has happened 5 times! A scroll failing is not solely your fault, of course you used the scroll, but it isn't your fault that it blew up. Scrolling is kind of like gambling. You forgetting to tick a box and losing 350m is your fault.
LOL are you serious right now? Going to vegas was a great metaphor, good job. A great metaphor for scrolling, not messing up because you failed to pay attention. This doesn't even really matter, so I'm going to stop, you just keep thinking that you not unticking the box isn't your fault.
lowkey are you srs? I never said it wasnt my fault and have admitted it was my fault every time this subject is brought up please go
yo why you always gotta get the last word? just let it go you dont have to pick at every little argument to try to be right
1st failure: Making the mistake of selling someone gacha tickets (as in: buying the tickets and giving the buyer the items recieved). 2nd failure: Selling the pack of 11 tickets for 20mill. 3rd failure: Upon gachaing, getting an Ele wand. 4th failure: Upon gachaing, getting the first and last White Scroll I've ever received.
I have zero incentive to keep my responses to myself. What, are people going to hate me more than they already do? oh no..
Yeah, all those 0 times we've actually communicated must've been terrible. On-topic: ---> Prepare for the Around the World event all day. (Events are serious business) --> Event gets cancelled. -> Sad life. EDIT: Would like to point out that I don't blame the staff for cancelling the event.