Scrolling an Ele Wand for shits and giggles with 60% for my brother... 1/6 worked... 4 in a row failed... Next level scrolling fail. From 149 M.ATT. to 151 M.ATT., totally pro.
In my frustration of--for over a month--being unable to find a party to train with, I decided to attempt soloing himes. Died to crow, who I didn't even see. Respawned, for some reason, in the same map. Died again, instantly. Lost like an hour of training. That's what I get for attempting to play something other than my islander!
Soloed Papulatus. First body. Found out I can't even KB 2nd body 100%. Touch damage, 5.087 vs Max HP 5.020-ish Touch damage is super effective. Rogue faints.
Well, that's just grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Clean FS: ~220mil First Chaos scroll: 160m Second Chaos Scroll: 195m
guise pls. been lvl 116 for 1 week just to borrow kev's int gear, lvl 25 magician for 3 weeks cuz 2 lazy to lv.
For about a week i was wondering why is my autopot bugged, then i realized that i have the slider on antoher side...(thanks god i havent made report that would be awkward) Spoiler