Traded my 19attk cape + 8bil for this: First chaos goes +3 Last slot decides to do this.... Guess i'll be taking a salty maple break.
You weren't kidding when you said you made a teakettle noise. LOL I'm going to start keeping a log of the stupid ways I die in this game. Feel free to supplement if I miss something that happened while you were with me. Got bored and started bouncing around at Krexel. Party told me not to. Bumped into eye and died. This has happened 2x. Tried to loot mesos from edge of body at Zakum. Party said "hoe don't." Got knocked in. Forgot Magic Guard when starting Zak. Tried to solo Headless Horseman at lv ~55. innumerable Teleports into Bigfoot Got run over by Bigfoot while making fun of PDD for getting run over by Bigfoot. innumerable other typekills Jumping down during LPQ. Overshot, jumped down one too many, got flattened by godmode Block Golems. Forgot that Pap dispels. Genuinely surprised when I died. Innumerable Teleports into Black Crow while thinking "Oh, I don't see Crow; some kind soul must have killed him recently." Forgot to feed pet at Zak. Murdered by a Luster Pixie as a Cleric.
Well, on my old account I noticed a blue clean craven. It was slightly above average and I figured it was worth a lot. I threw it up into an item smega to see offers and it turns out that it was only worth like 1m. So I took the loss and put Salt on the wound. On a side note, I got to meet @PerfectSin because of the mess up so it wasn't entirely bad.
@LuckyLook told me there was yet another 12 magic clean cape for sale. @Zenoooo It was even an adventurer, not gaia cape! Hype! @irmy Lends me WS, ez. Does the honor of the cape int 60% scroll, pass. @Tim Does the full channel 8 FM 7 chaos meme. Fails. Tries again. I even dropped all the letters to spell Fryslan and everything. A random somehow comes up and loots them all, much salt. Drops it again, Fryslan ez right? Spoiler From this: Spoiler: To this: Whoever said Tim has chaos hacks is lying. Irmy, you should've chaosed.
Buy 6 attack clean for 2b Buy 5 chaos scrolls for 450m each one out of five chaos SIXTY PERCENT SCROLLS WORK Spoiler https://image./ceyRtk/Screen_Shot_2017_09_22_at_10_31_52_PM.png
1/30 and then 1/35... its hella hard to finish it.. The earring used to be 7 DEX 7 LUK 4 slot Chaosed after I failed 23 10%+ws RNG show me some love plz