Hi IGN: IMASLAVE, GorkyParked Last thing you did: Last thing that I remember, waking up at 2 or 3pm, went on maple to check merchant on IMASLAVE, then i reloged on gorkyparked to check whats going on, logged out went out for a ciggaret, but last night we had a party (before we just drank some vodka (me and patrian went for half an hour to kill one anego for fun) then we continued drinking. Some other friends in the meanwhile were playing hearthstone LoL etc. after two bottles we went on out on clubs, BLA BLA (NOW IMPORTANT) today as i said i went on maple for a while, took a ciggaret on balcony, but then some other friend just wanted to check how's with his ban "Skurwisyn" it turned out that he have been perm banned after "7 days of waiting cause of vote abuse", but ya he just went to the kitchen,came back from balcony then i sat on my chair typed my login pw. PERM BAN both accounts. also im wondering how come he were banned for using illegal.. or 3rd part programs, he told me that he had 7 acc that he voted on but after 1st ban he stopped. If something is unclear just tell me. A BIT LATE BUT HAPPY LADIES DAAY
Hi, you should be able to log in again. A couple things though: please read this and this to prevent this all from happening again. In your case: Don't vote abuse. And don't let people log in with their banned accounts in your house / don't share accounts (if you did). Otherwise this will happen again and again. Skurwisyn got permanently banned because he was voting with 8 accounts. Hope this answers all your questions.
Thank you Dustin, I got unbanned on GorkyParked but still banned on IMASLAVE, Went on my main on pc works fine, tried to log on hs mule perm. mac adress on the black list i guess. And about my friend, as far as I know he was banned for vote abusing for 7 days as most of the people, Ive been reading "ban apeal" threads for few days, people that used to vote 141 were unbanned after that period, and friend of mine was also suspended for 7days but then it turned to a perm, after that he voted only on one acc every 24h, no more vote abuses etc. still dont see a reason to keep him perm banned, he learned his lesson as most of the community. P.S IT BANNED ME AGAIN how: Went on anego on my desktop (GorkyParked), pinned her to the wall, turned laptop to hs on IMASLAVE, bam ILLEGAL BLA BLA PERM, net dc'ed turned on maple again on my desktop, also perm banned.