Class/Skill Make Archmages viable in Bossing

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Raitosu, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. UrbanJuggernaut

    UrbanJuggernaut Donator

    Aug 22, 2013
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    Wanted to start out by saying that I was never trying to be rude, I just speak very directly and it comes off as aggression, but no apologies are necessary and I was never offended. This is just a healthy debate. I sometimes get frustrated when newer players think they have it all figured out and drop ridiculous Feedback threads that go nowhere. This is at least shining light on some issues.

    Even without leeching, people will farm, probably even more without the consistent income of leech. @Jooon almost single handedly broke Ulu with his quad client farming methods, no leech whatsoever afaik. Those methods have been reduced globally and even more so at Ulu in tandem with increasing pot costs to stem inflation. Lecching has nothing to do with inflation, its just farming with a bonus. Eliminating leech will not eliminate farming.

    In a vacuum, you are correct. However, this is a sample size of only 1 hour. Hardcore leechers will sell hundreds of hours, and, over time, will obtain solid godly drops to sell. Using my own anecdotal experience at Ulu 2, I leeched ~25 hours there from 130-15x. In all my time at Ulu 2, I only got 1 perfect Red Craven. Now, completely disregarding all the other sellable Cravens/Top/Bottoms etc, at the current market price of ~700m, divided across all my hours of Ulu 2, that single perfect Craven gave me a 28m/hr increase on top of my leech services. When taking into account sub-perfect godlies and other godly equips, this number goes much higher. Drop tables are a very important factor for leech maps and should not be overlooked. Now that the NPC/Ulu/potions problem is fixed (hopefully), we should see deflation over time, despite leech being as strong as ever.

    I can see why you would arrive at that conclusion based on your experience, but unfortunately, there a couple interrelated factors at play here behind the scenes that are causing your problem. Right now, there is a well known hacker problem regarding certain drops, Earring INT 10% being a more prolific one, though HP quest sets and Silver Mane quest sets are also affected. Essentially, hackers are flooding the market with Earring INT 10%, causing the price crash you are describing now. At the beginning of the year, they were about 4m on average, so I've been watching it happen myself. This problem has itself fed into another issue; INT earrings are now crashing as well. I went on a 150 scroll run on earrings about a month ago, trying to make 24 tma 2 slot earrings. I managed to achieve that quite early, and decided to scroll the rest for profit, ending up with about 13 pairs of 20 tma earrings and 6 pairs of 17 tma earrings. I started selling them at 160m and 70m, respectively. Over time, they stopped selling, and I had to continually lower the price to get rid of them, finally selling my last pairs today at 125m and 57.5m. Since the earring INT 10% are so cheap, the market is also being flooded with INT earrings and causing those to crash as well, making it less worth it to scroll them at all, and, in turn, less Earring INT 10% to be sold, which further reduces prices, then further reducing INT earrings, etc. You see where this is going. Get rid of the hackers and the market will equalize and you can make some money off those.

    It really depends on the demand of the scroll and rarity of its drop. 2h BW 10% dropped at a 50% rate would obviously become devalued to the point of just dropping them, the same way we see Claw 10% basically being given away for free due to it being a drop of Ulu 2. Before all this hacking shenanigans, Earring INT 10% held a steady value despite being a drop of MB2, a very popular low lvl leech spot. A scroll dropping at a leech spot =/= automatic price crash.

    Regardless of any encouragement or discouragement, hundreds of people will buy and sell leech all day, every day. They have already taken steps to reduce inflation with Update 65 via globally reducing NPC income while increasing pot income. Also, buffing drop tables for endgame leech doesn't mean every Mage gets the required TMA to sell leech in that area. If they added something crazy like Claw 30% to Duku, there is still only a fraction of the population of leechers that can sell there, and of them, some will not have the skills or patience to get repeat business. There are a lot of factors to consider. Its not as simple as leech spot + drops = inflation.

    I would encourage you to talk to a good Petri/Duku leecher and ask them what its like. What are their pot costs per hour, how many mesos they invested in their gear/books, how many hours they sunk into leveling their Mage and HS mule, what their inventory is after an hour of selling, etc. Its not a glamorous, get-rich-quick scheme that many seem to think it is when they start talking about nerfing leeching.

    That's ok, and you're entitled to your opinion and sharing it, but I think you should spend more time here and really participate and pay attention to this server's meta before trying to make changes. Its hard to make positive changes when you have been here since day 1 and observed nearly everything, let alone when you have only been playing for 5% of the server's life.

    I think its great that you are digging to find evidence to support your points and are learning in the process. That's leaps and bounds above a lot of the "make things easier" threads that have plagued the Feedback section as of late. Hopefully me and the others that have replied here have shed some light on the subject and given you a clearer perspective. I was never trying to shit on your parade, but to illustrate the immense complexity of balancing and reworking related to what you have suggested and the effect it would have on the server.
    Last edited: May 8, 2020

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