The reason why I'm not using the skill Wrath of the Octopi much when grinding or bossing is the cast time. The cast time is disabling the movement and attacks for arround 0.5 second what makes you not able to hold a pin or be able to dodge certain attacks. I think the cast time should be removed so people will make use of this skill (and other people will see more small cutie octopuses over the maple world !
Maybe not 0 cast time, but decreasing that cast time to be at least equal to other summon animations would probably be a big QoL improvement for sairs. +1 from me
Totally a +1 for this, it sometimes takes even more than 0.5 seconds cause it bugs you and doesn't let you attack for 2 seconds. It's also a great way to make Corsair's rotation be more complex and give us more damage while not on the ship. I haven't tried yet but idk if the delay makes it worth it using the skill, like, are 1 or 2 battleship cannon shots doing more dmg than the whole 40 seconds of the spawn?