Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Celiu, Feb 21, 2014.
Likes can't differentiate quality memes anyway https://image./kqF9xH/IMG_8696.jpg
Don't let your memes be dreams *points down*
Thank you @liomio for teaching me how to dummy.
the only dummy scrolling i believe in is dummy chaosing
guys what job do i go in for my door of dimension?
Cilbis are losing attraction
How to deal with annoying debuff from bosses
Protip: you can buy all cures from nlc after just turning in 50 phantom seeds
Me beyond Haunted House
i'm sorry i only have one like to give this
Lyka rodeo for CS
HAHAHAHA EXCACTLY WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT , i laughed too hard at that shit browsing the appeals
this one isn't even funny
Separate names with a comma.