Again, The official response from Bezeq was "Due to a massive update from Fortnite our servers are jammed with outgoing traffic, this could take up to a day or two". Honestly? I'm a Tier 2-3 IT specialist and we were also experiencing this kind of latency with our servers. to the point where we got an official alert from our CTO regarding a major latency due to it
Does it work for anyone? I'm still unable to connect via Bezeq ISP it has beed three days now.. And sadly even my cellphone "Pelephone" hotspot isn't either!
Hello, Im still having massive laggy and even DCed from cc1 FM. After that i tried relogin and go to cc20, then working fine and after few minute lagging again untill cannot see any npc on the map. Is this normal or what should i do? Note: My wifi or Hotpspot have no internet issue, watching youtube what soever is working fine and no laggy.
Hi. I'm having the same issues, my provider is Bezeq. I tried to reinstall and restart my pc, and I keep getting DC'ed after my PIC code.