Thought of another one : The quest to increase the max skill of BAHAMUT! why do i need to farm so many hearts only for it to increase the lvl by 5 SOBS
Don't know if this is just me or nah, but I need to spam buttons to use bamboo or other powerup. Me: Activate bamboo Game: ... Me: Activate!! Game: ... Me: ACTIVATE! Game: Fine lol
you can easily activate it if you hold down like ctrl + alt and then simply tap the up button. It works 100% like this but yea its pretty annoying
When u have such a perfect run so u think ur gonna break ur record, but u get same time as ur current record lol
When people tell me to CC or hit me with an ellipsis before my character has even hit the ground. Goddam I've never ksed in my life, but these people tempt me. Just chill out, not everyone is out to get you.
When people sit during GM events like coconut and do nothing while simultaneously complaining about losing. You don't have the right to complain if you don't contribute Spoiler If you do this, please stop
Honestly the first time I saw that, I thought I had to pick the one where the pieces didn’t fit with each other
Getting deranked at Gauntlet for disconnecting from the lobby due to server instability, connection issues or PC issues. Stuff that ain't my fault. That's pretty annoying. Also not getting reward after completing Gauntlet because of what I assume is a glitch. Also quite annoying
Night Lords in dojo who are guilty of one or more of the following things: Not realizing a slower party member has yet to arrive at a resting point and continuing without them. Telling slower party members to keep up and / or getting impatient by said party members not having flash jump "being slow". Bonus annoyance points if they do so after finally realizing they'd left them behind. Complaining when slower party members haven't charged bamboo yet when they rush through every floor and clear it before anyone else has a chance to get any damage in. Not giving slower party members a chance to catch up on bamboo charge after having already charged theirs, despite being asked. Laughing at / flaming non-super-high-dodge and non-self-healing classes when they die. Picking up invincibility bubbles during the final few floors when there's a Corsair / a Bishop in the party. Or any non-NL & non-Shadower class, for that matter.
This might just be my problem but the screen freezes for like 2 seconds when someone does the shout messenger thing and messes up my jump quest
The HP Mark whenever you create a party, or whenever you log in while in a party that appears and you constantly have to turn it off
I totally agreed with the smoking thing. I used to have a bf that need to smoke like every 15-20 min. Really annoying, cuz at the beginning or the end of going pq or bossing, me and my friends all have to wait for him to done his smoking. I dont hate smoking but if is just because of your habits and everyone has to wait for you every single time, its really a problem. Like seriously, can u hold it for another 10mins or so?