I already did like a year ago. I don't think it's being heard. Am I allowed to make another thread on this, or do I revive the thread by bumping?
I tried 7th and 25th floors for Drumming Bunnies and I found the spawn lacking. 57th floor seems the best.
I've been told this guide is now outdated and you can obtain all cards due to release of some new areas so you no longer need to join PQ's to complete some sets, is this true?
This is updated lol the only place I didn’t update was Neo Tokyo but those should be self explanatory. You don’t need to complete boss PQ cards to finish the 400 sets with the release of some newer maps. However I’d recommend hunting at least 14+ Boss sets so that way you don’t need to farm the really bad spawn regular monster cards
Eos Tower 71st Floor has both Trixter and Green Trixter, it's easier to get both there at the same time. I just committed the big mistake of going to floor 73, getting the 5 trixter cards, and then going to floor 71 just to learn I lost a lot of time.
I am thinking of starting this but I wanted to clarify... If I do not have access to mobs in PQ limited by level (I'm at 16x now), can I still complete 400 sets? What is the total number of different monsters we have access to in Royals? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Yup, you can get to 400 sets without Lord Pirate and Papa Pixie. There are about 430 sets in total in the monster book.
Thank you! Is there anywhere I can check which cards I have already collected? I opened the book tab but there doesn't seem to be anything there.
You need to look in the 'Medal Rankings' Tab and then go to the Challenges tab. There should be a count in that menu. Only sets of 5 cards count toward the Medal Ranking total.
Thanks again, found it. In case anyone is as silly as I am, when u open the book tab with B, on the bottom left of the "book" are some colored tabs where u can switch between to see which monster cards you have and don't.
Hey Becca! Not sure if you are keeping your guide up to date, but if you are, be sure to update the Collector Medals with the new HP/Mp/Magic Att stats that were just changed from this last patch!
Just wanna let people know that Jr Boogie does drop from Wild Boar Map. So the speculation that it only drops in evil eye cave is not true. Also, it was the Jr Boogie 1 not 2 that dropped it. So taking that into account, any map with Jr Boogie 1 should be able to drop it!
Hey Becca! I think there's an error in the guide: For Black Ratz the recommended map is Eos Tower 97th Floor but I'm there right now and only the white ones spawn there
For Twisted Jesters, you can find them at the Toy Room in the "Where am I?" hallway. Although you should only go here after you got some sets from the Library first.