they should do a special medal says "Ugliest Character" and then reward you xD it should be a very good medal though .. like +10stats +10att and stuff lol
ok Shane ok, i see what do did there. middle aged caveman can be disgusting its intresting intresting. not the hospital kind of disgusting im looking for but indeed intresting. and Henray17 u went for the hybrid bear and scammer look i never saw that mix before that might be something to discuss but 2ScoopRice is up top looking and laughing at ya`ll. but 2ScoopRice dont be so cocky yet, i do feel like there is unworthy superhero who we never seen before something like him, just waiting to enter the room and introduce us his masterpiece and how inappropriate and ugly his shrek looking monster have become. till that moment will arrive, i declare you for the one who sitting on top of the others as weird as it sounds.