Neo Tokyo Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by FuminoAya, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    A lot of people are either going to hate or ignore this comment but I need to throw it out there... Is it possible to buff Fire/Poison Mages in Neo Tokyo by making the mobs and bosses of Neo Tokyo NOT be immune to Poison attacks, aka Paralyze??? After playing with @Shiratsuyu in some of the areas/bosses, it has come to my opinion that I/L mages just dumpsters all over a F/P in Neo Tokyo with Chain Lightening because what should be their main attacking skill, Paralyze, can't do any damage at all against bosses and requires a set-up with Fire/Ice Demon to even do damage against mobs.

    I suggest making Bosses elemental weak/normal against Poison and mobs have elemental strong/normal against Poison. The Poison Mist skill can be disabled on maps since Poison Mist could end up being too strong.
    Kung, Tsue and FuminoAya like this.
  2. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    So after going through the entire questline of Neo Tokyo ( again ) with my bishop it's time to add another reply to this dead thread. it's really upsetting seeing this thread being essentially nonexistant to most since the area of neo tokyo is absolutely underwhelming in terms of rewards, thus barely anybody even bothers to go through the effort of getting through all of the quests and killing the time intensive bosses.

    I cannot give values on EXP since im lvl 200 and wasn't really looking at the EXP gained, however people didn't freak out when the bosses died saying: "i got 80% EXP from this !"
    so i assume it's terrible too. and that's okay, i think, since it's supposedly endgame and people are most likely highly leveled anyways and just want to enjoy content and make some mesos. For EXP they can do the other mentioned content in this thread. i guess.

    Let's start with the bosses:

    Time invested: 20 minutes
    drops: 2 silver coins worth 1.5m each~ 5k NX (worth 25m~) Vergamot ETC item (worthless) a few lvl 100 equipment pieces ( 2m mesos )
    split that across 4 Attackers: 30m mesos / 4 people = 7.5m mesos per person, IF the 5k NX card would be divideable.
    So essentially 1 person = 25m mesos, rest of the 3 attackers get 1.66m mesos per person.
    = average of 22.5m mesos per person per hour

    Dunas v1
    Time invested: 30 minutes~
    drops: 3 silver coins 350 NX
    split that across 5 attackers 4.5m mesos+1.75m mesos = 6.25m mesos total -> 1.25m mesos per person
    = average of 2.5m mesos per person per hour

    Time invested: 40 minutes
    drops: 3 silver coins
    split that across 2 attackers = 1.75m per person
    = average of 2.65m mesos per person per hour

    Nameless Magic Monster
    Time invested: 30 minutes
    drops: 2 silver coins
    split that across 2 attackers = 1.5m mesos per person
    = average of 3m mesos per person per hour

    Dunas v2
    Time invested: over 30 minutes for sure
    drops: silver coins (3) that's all
    split that across 6 Attackers: 750k mesos per person for over 30 minutes wasted
    = average of 1.5m mesos per person per hour

    Auf Haven
    Time invested: about 1h 30m
    Drops: auf haven circlet ( 1 helmet ) Silver coins ( 3 ) 1 miracle scroll for auf circlet ( 50m mesos ?? )
    Split that across 7 people playing a total of 12 (!) characters = 54.5m / 7 people = 7.78m mesos per person
    = average of 5.18m mesos per person per hour
    Core Blaze and Royal Guard did drop nothing.

    Every Boss in Neo Tokyo is only possible to do once a day
    Let's take Auf Haven and compare it to Horntail.

    Auf Haven has a possibility to give about 55m mesos per run for 90 minutes invested for 6 people playing, possibly with mules. -> 6.1m mesos per hour per person + Endgame Helmet that takes approximately 200b mesos to finish in the current situation with miracle scrolls being only 5% and being dropped only at a 20%~ chance each run
    Auf Haven is far more difficult than Horntail is.

    Horntail has a possibility to give about 4b mesos through mastery books + 2-5 (?) endgame Pendants + 2 to 4 5k NX cards + Lvl 110 Dragon Weapons that could potentially be another 4-10b mesos per run for 90 minutes~ invested for 6 people playing, possibly with mules.

    Horntail is possible to attend twice per day AND gives AMAZING EXP.

    Auf Haven: 55m mesos per run for 6 people ( not counting in the circlet as it's garbage currently ) vs Horntail: potentially 14b+Endgame Pendant + 50-100m in 5k NX cards + amazing EXP

    Doing Horntail is easy with any squad
    Doing Auf Haven is damn difficult. We had 5 bishops this run, one of them being 10k or 11k HP @Jooon
    And one of them being friggin 30k HP / 30k MP @Aestel
    We all died multiple times (except the 30k/30k Bishop and my Shadower i think)
    I dare you to watch the entire video and the struggle in the run.
    I accidentally recorded the discord voice conversation too so i put some music off of youtube under the video and removed the entire original Audio.

    Please do watch it.

    Also can BMs / MMs / Shadowers and the other classes, which i do not know of, who aren't able to attack mid air on the Auf Haven Map please be able to attack mid air too? it feels terrible to do Auf Haven having to touch the ground every single time after attacking...

    Can we please get a fitting buff for all the bosses there that they're far more rewarding than anything else in the game? since they are far more difficult aswell? it's a shame that this area is dusting slowly but steadily..
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    MaiAh, Kung, harp and 8 others like this.
  3. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    I'll add that since the person i spoke to does not want to reply here.
    short version:

    -a developer spent so much time implementing and coding this entire area and now nobody goes there because it's just terrible in terms of rewards -> buff it please
    -MTKs aren't 31wa or 32wa compared to 30wa Balanced Furies -> not worth to farm silver coins -> not worth to farm bosses -> not worth to do neo tokyo
    -no new items except for the earrings
    -people can do more mesos/time selling lvl 120 bishop low level leech
    -people can do more mesos/time selling clean bathrobes from Showa in FM compared to Neo Tokyo, and let's face it , buying items from an NPC and then putting them into a FM store requires far less effort than having to get to a certain level, insane Equips, a team for the boss, all of the quests prior to it, and actually not getting ripped apart by auf haven and the pre-bosses, failing the entire PQ.
    Kung, harp, Tsue and 7 others like this.
  4. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    Also, this has been recommended to me by Youtube.
    What do they know about me that i don't even know myself??

    Should i just bury a huge hole too and find @Zofran resurrecting himself??

    Rinn likes this.
  5. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    so i wanted to finish the questline on my bishop aswell and smega'd a couple of times if anybody wanted to join this dead content. obviously there was nobody.
    then i went into the FM and asked if people wanted to join this dead content. nope nobody.
    so i went there alone with my bishop and my SE mule.
    SE mule died at coreblaze being pushed into it and my bishop died at 1% HP of auf haven because i had graphical artifacts not seeing if my bishop still had magic guard on.
    though i goofed around at the end too much

    onyx apples used: 17
    time invested: 3h 15m~

    drops: 93wa double gold knife dagger
    this meme 2h axe polearm "Zedbug" lvl 100
    10,350 NX

    video is being uploaded and it'll take the entire day probably
    will update when it's done uploading..


    Also i'd propose to add a blue notification message for the entire server when a squad beats Auf Haven since we're saving Zipangu, just like Horntail squads save leafre.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
    MaiAh, LichWiz, Johnny and 6 others like this.
  6. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    You know... What if the Devs are actually content with how Neo Tokyo is currently? Think about it. After taking the initial feedback, they quickly updated the bosses to have ele weakness, fixed the darksight in Core Blaze PQ, and made Auf Haven un-rushable. Now currently, there is a small dedicated set of people doing Neo Tokyo bosses and Silver Coins are readily sold in the FM for ~1.2-3m. Bosses are working properly, Dunas is done frequently, and some people have multiple sets of Magic Throwing Knives and others made Armor Piercing Bullets. In time, MTKs/APBs will be more plentiful in the market and possibly someone will manage to collect the ~400 5% Miracle scroll+WS to scroll a perfect Auf Haven helm a long time from now.

    Maybe Neo Tokyo has been well-crafted and is in a "High Risk, High Reward" state for the hardcore players.
  7. FuminoAya

    FuminoAya Donator

    Nov 10, 2017
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    ??? Content for 1 person on the entire server??? Broooooo, we need a huuuuuuuuge buff really badly, asappppp

    @Matt ,@Tim and the other folks from the staff are probably working nightshifts to make this happen ^
    atleast i hope so
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  8. Joong

    Joong Developer

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Since someone raised concerns that we have not given an adequate indication that we are taking this feedback into consideration, let me assure you that we do.

    When we worked on Neo Tokyo initially, we were not satisfied with how the original version played, and thus many custom changes were made. We re-balanced the area almost from scratch, which can be tricky to do, especially for an area that has no real precedent.
    • We lowered the damage dealt by most bosses to make the area more accessible for players beside strictly those who have HP washed a great deal.
    • We changed the regular mobs to act more like normal mobs, in the sense that we removed their vast array of debuffs (zombify, weakness, darkness etc.) There remains some exception. We also gave them "regular" droptables.
    • We changed the HP:EXP ratios of the bosses & mobs. Some nerfs, but mostly buffs. On top of that we drastically buffed the EXP rewards from the Quests.
    • We took the final chapter of the storyline and turned it into one single PQ; something vastly different from the original, frankly quite boring execution. This change excited us the most.
    With that in mind, it's both expected and a shame to see that the balancing was not spot on the first time around. This is being looked into.

    Personally, I would like to see that the regular mobs are grindable. It's my understanding that, at the moment, they are merely killed to progress the Questline(?). This is something that we wanted to counteract with the changes we made. More input on this is also welcome.

    Some changes that I think would steer us in the direction of our initial aim would be:
    • Introduce missing equip sets to the monsters' droptables.
    • Make the crafting system more worthwhile by buffing Silver Coin droprates and reducing crafting costs.
    • Introduce something special to the bosses that currently don't have many rewards.
    • Make the Auf Haven PQ both more welcoming for a wider array of classes, and make it more rewarding.
    Given the primitive mechanics of the game, which limit us in our game design choices, I think we have to try to achieve the latter without necessarily making the fight strictly easier. We were pleased to see a boss fight which functions very differently from others, and keeps the players on their toes the whole time.
    ilyssia, Hamil, harp and 12 others like this.
  9. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Hopefully making Auf Haven Expedition rewarding is already in consideration, alittle more ideas to assist in your brainstorm if its not completed.
    • Introduce Flairgrave of lower base sub stats to equip for the current weaker classes example; crossbow, bow, daggers and 1H sword
    Reworking on the Auf Haven Helmet into A competitive option against Zakum Helmet, pilgrim hat and Scarlion&Targa helmet.
    Instead of completely being overpowered and Best in Slot (87) all stats.
    Probably only 2-3 players such as momo and AnaPaula~imboss can finish this helm, personally i don’t think royals is ready for such an design.

    To work it in a way thats Similar to the state of how MoN and HTP is comparable competitively currently, such as HTP is better on classes such as Mages when MoN for Warriors

    Where players would spend time pulling their hairs to choose which is their preference of helmet.
    • Remove miracle scroll for auf Helm 5% completely.
    • Adjust the rates of auf haven helmet 60% scroll (possible to boom) into 30%~50% (no boom).
    Taking our most popular class NL for example, to complete a 67luk Helmet with only 7dex, or 37luk 37dex helmet, to be designed in a way that its versatile for the player’s gearset to maximise stats wise with a heavy cost to complete.
    This would become a healthy game point if pink bean & timeless gears would finally considered to be implemented.
    • 2-4 scrolls per Auf , random type that includes STR/DEX/LUK/INT
    • 10k NX cards x0-1
    • 5k x2-3
    • Crafting materials for Flairgraves
    • MW30 extreme rare drop (this might be alittle too OP)
    • Tradable x2 EXP cards
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
    Charu, Jesseh, SmokeThatSauce and 7 others like this.
  10. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I can try responding to this since I took the time to grind for coins on my F/P mage.

    [All areas]
    - Recommend changing the selling of the etc from 1 mesos to 200 mesos.

    [Afterlord & Overlord]
    - Good: Great place to acquire decent loot like Face ACC Avoid 60%, Bottomwear DEX 60%, Dark Neschere/(Gold)Nisrock, Sparta, Warrior equips, and Blue/Red Armis.
    - Bad: Overlord pathing is very bad/annoying. They tend to fly around the very top of the map so you're have to constantly climb up to aggro them to the floor. I recommend, if possible, to force them to fly around the middle part of the map.

    - Good: Drops Topwear LUK 60%
    - Bad: People absolutely hate this mob. I don't think you'll ever manage to make people willing to grind this area unless the stun was removed. I highly doubt that'll happen. So I recommend (as I mentioned in a earlier post) switching the Card Effects of Protolord and Overlord. People aren't going to farm Overlords to resist the Protolord's stun and it makes no sense why Overlord has the Stun-guard when you're trying to focus on Protolords. With Protolord's card effect being stun-guard instead, I think they'll be more people willing to attempt to grind it but only to collect topwear luk scrolls.

    - Good: Card effect gives bonus Coin drop
    - Bad: There's nothing good that drops from Eruwater, in my opinion. The maps for Eruwater aren't really ideal for grinding, most notably Akihabara Rofftops. You can't [Down]+[Jump] on that map for some odd reason and the spawns are very low for such a big map. I recommend enabling [Down]+[Jump] on the map and increasing Eruwater spawn.

    [Maverick A Y V]
    - Good: Old Fox Flagship offers compact map you can easily tranverse and is the ideal place to farm coins.
    - Bad: Old Flagship Bow is a terrible map to grind since it feels like there's only a small spawn of Maverick V on the map. On Old Fox Flagship, respawn of the Mavericks can be too slow if you have a party to kill the Mavericks fast. Maverick Y's scrolls are a little disappointing too. I recommend increasing Maverick V spawns on Old Fox Flagship Bow and increase respawn (and possibly increase spawn) of Mavericks in Old Fox Flagship.

    [Imperial Guard]
    Can't say much on this since there isn't anyone willing to grind in the Dunas v2 map.

    When you say "missing equip sets", are you referring to the Flairgrave/Speargrave equips? If possible, could the VIP weapons (from Vistor's Event) be used as alternatives for the Flair/Speargrave weapons (except for 1H Sword) so that they look cooler and isn't a copypaste design? Judgement gun should be added along too. These weapons should only be lv105, being slightly better than the lv100 weapons and not surpass the lv110 dragon equips.

    Also, you said "Introduce something special to the bosses that currently don't have many rewards". I know there's people who're interested in getting Belt and Ring scrolls from Neo Tokyo as drops.
    Kung, Tsue, Geyforlife and 1 other person like this.
  11. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Let's pray this upcoming patch has some changes for Neo Tokyo...
  12. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks this thread's existence and all the effort that developers did, i love you all then let's crowd Neo Tokyo<3
    Kung likes this.
  13. VitaLemonade

    VitaLemonade Donator

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Can you revert Auf Haven so that rush works on her? Or at least Buccaneer's knockback works on her because right now this boss is impossible to pin.

    Even if you have a Pally can that hit 100% 100k+ Blast, it's impossible to pin because of permastun.
    Kung, Jooon and SolarSystem like this.
  14. Relmy

    Relmy Donator

    Aug 1, 2018
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    and..take out the 60% scrolls, with that 50% chance to boom theyre useless.
    Jesseh likes this.
  15. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Use snatch from the other corner of the room works similarly as a rush.
    hero’s will if sedded into body and barrage spam << direction to pin it!
    If on a trio/quad situation, having multiple holy shield chain similar to BGA mechanic would be very beneficial for DPS boost
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
    Charu and Jesseh like this.
  16. steamkong

    steamkong Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Btw mtk and bullet still need 200 coin to unseal the stone so it is 1000 coins for mtk and 800 coins for bullet~f8
  17. Kung

    Kung Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I must say I absolutely love Neo Tokyo and I think that Auf haven expedition is really great as well.

    Today a nice bunch of people took me to my 2nd run of Auf haven.

    I died in my first run back then, as the chandelier spawned on top of me and our BS both being at a safe spot, which was an unfortunate bug.

    I can say that one of the reasons I did never answer to R>auf haven smegas, was the fact, that I have "only" 11680 HP on my BM at the moment and so I thought I was useless there. You do not really need HB as well since there is relevant save spots and final boss hits 9.8k and you should not touch it anyway.

    Today I learnt a lot of great tricks thanks to my nice group of people teaching me. So I can say you can totally live and take part as a BM with my HP and lvl (187) throughout the whole boss run and even be useful to the team. I love the parts where you have to work as a team, this is absolutely brilliant and the whole experience was a lot of fun to me (and I assume hopefully to the rest as well :D)

    However the final boss was just too chaotic, so it has to be changed to make it more skill-related in my opinion. It was just pure chaos with a lot of "double sed double stun" attacks on our buccanneers, which seemed to be very unlucky. I would suggest that there is something done so that the boss is somehow doable without luck being a major part of it.

    -> So far I can see, the whole HP washing meta was much more a reason, that held me back, than neo tokyo itself.
    ... Since usually you get dumped by most people if you either have less than 20k HP or 10k range as SE (unless you got nice friends that make a sacrifice for your useless dead weight).
    I wasnt even trying to learn how to do Auf haven as I thought I will be useless anyway and will just ruin the run for everyone (like in dunas v1 or dunas v2, they are absolutely terribly designed for all non-washed ranged classes, its just pure pain).

    -> What I strongly suggest is that maps with too high HP requirements have safe spots or skill-related mechanics, that make it possible to overcome the difficulties. E.g. the pillar at royal guard, where you can get knocked down by the small mobs. But a skilled ranged and a skilled bs can communicate well together and all is good. That is really good game design. Maybe there could be more of these things in the whole area. Maybe people (or I) just did not figure it out yet enough - but ye for example, Dunas v1/v2 or so, its just horrible. Cause you simply cannot overcome it by skill after a reasonable amount of practise.

    Thank you for reading my little noob comment. I hope we can have more runs in this amazing area :)
    Tect, MaiAh and Geyforlife like this.
  18. JoshxGamex92

    JoshxGamex92 Member

    May 31, 2017
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    Gonna put in my two sense as a bossing f/p mage. The fact that paralyze a skill that already is underwhelmed by chain lightning to begin with only does 1 damage is a bit ridiculous. It is the most commonly used f/p attacking move for bosses. I know people are going to say "mages shouldn't boss or mages can't boss" however all classes can boss even beginners, the level of difficulty is just different.
  19. Green Mind

    Green Mind Donator

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Are there any plans to increase the etc. per slot to 200? We still can't NPC anything without losing card effects...

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