Hello, I have made a new character and on the character I bought 3 of the new rp whales. However I dont have access to pet quests, such as the henesys pet park jump quest (multiple pets) , and kenta's advice(faster moving pets). I also have the pet snack in my inventory ready to go.
Worst case scenario, you can buy the cheapest nx pet, and do the quests with it then return to your rp pets.
For pet park jq, u need to keep all your pet in your bag to trigger it. If you have 1 pet outside of it, it won't trigger the quest.
Feel like this is the same issue with https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new...-as-a-pet-when-it-comes-to-pet-quests.156086/ my new rp pet also can’t do those quest.