Its not a comparison to any warrior class its a comparison to nl's which in this case sairs benefit from both. Ill remove the word "Greatly" as that seems to be the basis of the argument.
Some notes. At 70/80 windraiders is good. Ice blast then triple shot. Ice+fire macro is broken. If you spam it against mobs that require a lot of hits to kill they'll give literally 0 exp. For example: This makes himes and ulu2 total garbage. You'll kill an entire map worth of mobs and less than half will actually give exp. I sniped newties from 90 to 110. Then HH from 110-120. It's worth noting that Hypnotise and Air Strike are currently unavailable, you can't even start the quests. This might help people finding HH as an Outlaw/Corsair but it requires high speed/jump Maybe add the best spots to stand during Krexel? When I did my first solo I had no idea whether to stand on the left or where ranged usually go for first eye. Second eye worth pointing out that little spot where you barely take knockback for new players who don't know about it (but warn about walking into eye because it's kind of slippery). Also this is petty but what's with all the hyphens?! Horn-tail bulls-eye cool-down Some of them aren't even consistant! Big-foot and Bigfoot. Please edit aaaaaa
Please post a video or something along those lines showing how it's done so others can learn. I'm going to be frank, but I think someone who is more knowledgeable should have written this guide up because it's not much better than the one it's replacing minus dispelling the whole "don't wash too much as sair" fake news. Corsair is one of the trickier classes when it comes to bossing and so it's helpful to go in depth into a lot of aspects such as boss skill animations, positioning, and so on. "Zakum one of the most commonly thought of bosses in maple for a very long time and also one of the easiest imo unless your pet decides to F*** you and not auto-pot." Unless auto-pot from pet is completely broken which is fixed by doing a clean reboot, you have a decent amount of control in preventing this from happening. If you look at Zakum's casting animations you can prevent buffing yourself or mounting/dismounting at the same time you get hit. If you do this you won't run into the problem of auto-pot not working when you're self-casting stuff. As Inusama mentioned, you should probably run a grammar and spell check because there's a lot of things that are off.
I apologize if you don't find the guide to be to your liking. If you feel as though you would like to take the time out of your day to write a separate guide then do so. As for me I will constantly be updating the guide with new information as much as my schedule permits me to. I have fixed most of the grammatical errors I believe, have added many of the prequest guides to the bosses as well as added job advancement information to each of the skill build sections. If you would like to spell check and help me go over it as you seem to be so worried about grammatical errors it would be appreciated. If you wan't to add constructive information to the guide as well then again please do so as I currently work a full time job as well as just finished my final classes to obtain my degree. I apologize to the people that think this guide may be a bit messy because I wrote it in my spare time in about an hour. I am trying to constantly update it as much as I can to fix issues and make things a bit more clear to new/old players looking to make a Corsair. If anyone has any questions feel free to comment or even pm me and I will try to respond as fast as I can.
I've a few questions : 1) What skills can and can't be used when you're riding the boat aside from cannon and torpedo? So far I've only seen the ice and fire skills being used on the boat in some videos and it seems like they received nerf range when you use them on boat too (not sure if it's just a visual change)? A full description on this will be helpful. 2) I've heard that having 3 octopus with wraith of octopus maxed (and assuming it works in mapleroyal with the amount of summons) and spamming rapid fire bring corsair's dps to be around 80% of spamming cannon somewhere, is this true? 3) How many sets of bullet is sufficient? Is 30+ sets of bullets really necessary? Let's say if I want to use horntail run as a timer how many sets is the safe amount? 4) Don't we need to save around 5 points of sp before we add points into burst fire or else double shot will out dps it due to the attack speed difference? Thanks.
1. You can use the following skills while on battleship Battleship Cannon/Torpedo Flamethrower/icesplitter Gaviota Octopus Gun booster and maple warrior. I will update this to make it clear. 2. I would say for horn-tail to be safe, any other boss you do not need nearly as many. 3. I believe you mean rapid-fire and I believe the skill was buffed in damage this isn't quite the case anymore and im not sure how it calculates now. But if its still the same then you will have level 5 rapid fire by level 141. You don't necessarily need to put points into this early, but its subjective so do it if you want.
As Ive stated in the guide itself I would suggest 10k hp at horntail to do it comfortably you don't have to hp wash if you don't want to its basically a luxury for anything but horntail so 10k by 155 is in my opinion what you should aim for, if you wanna go higher that is up to you.
You've referenced SSK build twice in the guide without caring to explain what is SSK. If you are trying to teach players who are new to Corsair I think you should definitly ADD the information on how to dodge Zakum attacks. Players who aren't trying to learn have no reason to read guides, and those who aren't trying can just skip that part. Spoiler tags are great for that. Generally speaking this guide is pretty good, however it is inconsistent in the level of detail you go into regarding each mechanic. I think you should choose how in depth this guide is and try and stick to a certain level. As it stands this guide is a nice supplement to people who know what they are doing but having to cross reference a lot of information from other sources makes it a guide that's stuck on being a bit mediocre. I assume it can be nice to a quick reference to people who know how to 'sair already but then it has a lot of useless information thrown in.