The reason is because you will still gain a significant amount of extra mp. And from personal experience, you do it at most 4 or 5 levels during the process. It boosts your extra mp enough that you only do it a few times. If you are below the 60 extra mp threshold, you will not be able to HP Wash all 5 points. In my process I am HP Washing every level until 70 as much as I can when I have above 60 extra MP. This is why you are going for extra mp sometimes.
Assuming I start a complete new Nightlord, what base int should i aim for if i want 11,500 HP by Level 175?, is there a way to check how much hp i'll have by lvl 135 or 155?
Hi! I've asked a question here before, but I have a new wondering now XD So, following the guide I would be MP washing between 71-135. Assuming I am aiming for a total INT of 240 by 70, how much HP should I expect to have at 135 then, if I don't HP was at all for all those levels? Should I expect to have to use APR's to move MP to HP at 135 to be relevant at that point, or will I have enough HP to be relevant to be able to just do the usual HP washing when leveling up? Sorry if the question is confusing, but my mind is a mystery even for me x3
You will have enough HP to be relevant at those levels. You may need to wash a few levels extra to be prepared for shao, but it shouldnt be much. It has been quite a long time since I last did this, but I believe you will be over 10k at 135, but for sure over 9k. When I did my washing Shao wasn't a thing /shrug
Is it better to use this guide or just use Shiyui's HP washing calculator and keep changing variables until u get lowest cost?
I know very little about Shiyui's calculator since I have not used it myself. I just enjoyed doing the little calculations on my own while washing so this way was easier and more fun for me
Hello, I’m new to hp washing. May I check for your guide is it based on 0 int gear? If there’s a need to buy int gears, what is recommended? I would just want to hit a 20k hp NL.
Buy a Zakum Helm at level 50. That'll net you 14-17 INT for 65m. Buy a Lvl 8 wand (can be worn by any class) from the Ellinia Weapons store and scroll it with 60% Wand for M Att scrolls. They cost 500k or less, and give 1 INT per success. It's not too expensive to get a 5-6 INT one of these. Buy a green bandana (Lvl 10) from a Free Market shop (about 500k), and buy ten 100% Helmet for INT scrolls (5-8m each) from Free Market Shops. That's 10 INT for about 65m. Buy an INT bath robe(Lvl 20). You can get a 17 INT for like 200m. Buy a lvl 55 cape from the Free Market Shops (or do the quest for the lvl 25 Old Raggedy Cape), and scroll it with 5 Cape for INT 100% scrolls from the Free Market Shops (3-5m) [or farm them from Bubblings]. Scroll any basic item for INT. You can read the entire thread here HP Washing For New Players | MapleRoyals
Thanks for the reply! May I check if I follow through this guide with the recommended, is MW10/20 a need or it will just be better with it? And by what level should I stop washing if I’m just looking at 20k HP?
All depends on how much base int you have, by level 135 you should already be able to do the whole process, regardless of how much base int and gear int you have
Thanks for the reply! Sorry I have a lot of doubts in mind.. so according to this guide, I will have to start washing from level 30 onwards until I got my desired HP, Correct?
Just to check, should I stop MP washing rn and head for hp washing every level since i'm only aiming for 20-25k hp? I'm level 121
Hi, I think I messed up because I read somewhere I could put some AP into HP when leveling up then remove MP into my main stat. It was specifically this post in another thread Due to this I carelessly added +HP on each level up since Lv135, but according to this guide and many other proper HP washing guides it would be better if I just +MP since that adds up like 29-33MP per Fresh AP with my current 220 base INT. So I plan to wash out a few more levels to account for the lost APs that I carelessly dumped into +HP when they were supposed to be spent in +MP. Question is, after I reach my HP Goal, can I simply -MP into my main stat instead of -INT into +DEX? I ask because I plan to continue on washing even after reaching my goal but just instead of removing ALL of my base INT, I will reduce it enough so I can still wash a little more while still being able to damage bosses effectively. I don't mind losing damage output to the bare minimum required for bossing to keep washing for a bit longer.
I stopped washing at lvl 124 to got BF because I was tired of leeching and got it to 16k but able to wash another 4k. I had 350 base int +80 from gear. Didn't use mw20 most of the times, only 10 and from 1-51 didn't use it at all. I hope this helps you
Hello, I also do need a bit of assistance with my hp goal calcs. I recently redownloaded the game after a 2 year hiatus and saw my hermits stats. My hp goal in mind was 27k but if thats not possible with what I currently have then at least 24-25k is fine. Ive been reading and I understand almost all of whats been said. My only concern is how can you pull out of mp without putting ap into either hp/mp first. Based on the ss I took I cant remove any mp at all so at what point can I remove all the mp thats been built up because since I was gone or so long I have no idea what the next proper course of action is. Appreciation for any kind of help that can be given
The answer is you can't. To be able to add/sustracts points from HP/MP, you either have to add 1 point into any of those (preferably MP if MP washing), then you can -MP and +HP until you use all your available excess MP. Just do one more level and put 1 fresh AP into either HP/MP.
Just want to check if I am doing it correctly I do not have a very specific HP goal, but I intend to keep it 400 base INT and let it do the magic by itself https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/NyTVrz2/Maple0000.png I accidentally added my fresh 5 AP into INT during one level. Had to take out the 5 AP from INT, added into HP (16 HP per AP ), then take out the AP from MP again and put back into INT I think I am about 20-30 HP short but should be negligible by late levels
So for a quick cost analysis from a doofus (me): If we imagine you are level 140 you would ish use 5 apr for 140 levels give or take a few so thats 700, plus perhaps 300 int that you will have to wash back so thats 1k aprs, and from a few previous posts it doesnt seem unreasonable that you could have around 1000 washes to do with -Mp +Hp so thats 2k aprs, if you would save just nx that would be 6.2 mil NX or 775 days of voting or if paying 9 mil per apr, 18 bil mesos. for anyone that wants a quickie on costs/days of voting
you take to account that you dont really need 30k hp, you can stay with 16.5 and thats all.. i spent so far 1k apr's , am lvl 135 and got 13.5k hp, will take me about 25-30 levels to reach that goal of 16.5, so i will need more 25X5 apr's which is 100 all and all 1.1-1.2k apr's for Washed NL that can boss every one should add that i have about 4000 mp that i can use for washing so just saying, i could not buy +115 gear int and 310 base int hh
Hi! I certainly mean no disrespect but I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding your english but if you what you are trying to say is that It's not neccesary to have around 30k hp you are absolutely correct! Howerer since the topic of the post and goal of the guide is to go above 20k and builds in line with that throghout the thread is what i had to pull data from thats what I did a quick calc on! I'ts certainly not a calc to apply swiftly to different ranges of hp goals. I'ts just a quick cost estimation of a very high Hp goal