Hello Admins, I have been not given the token of teamwork after finishing the pirate pq. I just started doing the quest two days ago, have done it for about 30-40 times up to today. But I'm not quite sure if it's no token starting the first try. Could you please help me check it? (I shot a video and some screenshots but cannot upload them; don't know why) My game character ID: Pandaeyes0
PPQ does not reward token of teamwork. Here’s the update that added token of teamwork: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-71-02-04-2021.188095/ As for the reason why, not sure. Maybe because it’s not like an actual PQ where there are puzzles to solve, just straight up kill mobs and move on.
it does give tokens, it used to not because there was a level cap and they removed the cap and added 1 token per run (3 max a day) as for why OP didn't get tokens, you can only get max 3 per day but if you didn't get any at all I guess it's a bug