IGN: Terijaki Problem: Spent about 50k(?) NX on NLC regular hairstyle coupons trying to get either Sunflower Power or Streaky Siren, but both hairstyles weren't available the entire time. Details: I used the Hairstyle Guide as a reference on where to get the desired hairstyles so I thought that the hairstyles were available and decided to try my luck. Gave up after 50+ NLC REG hairstyle coupons (inclusive of 2 Kerning City REG hairstyle coupons that were bought on accident due to the changed placement of items in the Cash Shop.) The purchases occurred on 1-2 June (not 100% certain of the exact date as it happened quite some time ago), and I found out that the hairstyles weren't available from the New Source Update #28 thread just today. The NX for Kerning City REG/EXP coupons do not have to be refunded as that was a fault on my part, but I do hope something can be done to account for the NX spent for the NLC hairstyle coupons. thanks!
Hi Sila, Sorry but I would prefer getting back the NX I used to buy the coupons, if that's possible. Thanks!