Name/Age: Abraham/23 IGN/Class/Level: Americano97 / Bishop / 126 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Nope What are your plans for this character? Play with friends, bossing, pqing, questing, chatting, etc. What other characters do you own? Just this one, might make a dps one day Country/State(US): New York Something about yourself: I have a chihuahua puppy How long have you played MapleRoyals? 1-2 months Previous guilds, if any? Nope Why Oblivion? Why not!? Seems like a very active guild with friendly members. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am an active player, friendly, looking to engage in group activities and chat. I can contribute to whatever is needed, help out fellow members, etc. Favourite Anime? Dragon ball, but currently obsessing over AoT
Name/Age: Dustin 28 IGN/Class/Level: ykchen bishop 156, Desh 137 BM Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Nope What are your plans for this character? Play with friends, bossing, pqing, questing, chatting, training/leeching etc. What other characters do you own? just bishop and BM currently Country/State(US): New Jersey Something about yourself: I have a golden retreiver, used to play GMS Scania How long have you played MapleRoyals? 1-2 months Previous guilds, if any? Legendary Why Oblivion? Why not!? Seems like a very active guild with friendly members and I bossed HT with a member recently Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am an active player, friendly, looking to engage in group activities and chat. I can contribute to whatever is needed, help out fellow members, etc. Favourite Anime? Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, and one piece
Name/Age: Lukas, 21 IGN/Class/Level: GeorgeJeff/NightLord (washed)/145 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes, I have a friend in there, ign: Ninko, who entered cus of Akira, Xenonverse. What are your plans for this character? Aiming to hit lv200 after I fund my 50 att gear (far from that yet), and also be well knowed in maple royals community ! What other characters do you own? Bishopinho/Firezinho/Icezinho (Trio Duku sellers 136/130/130) also Flowy (CPQ leecher), planning to make SE/CR mule soon! Country/State(US): Brasil Something about yourself: I'm kinda perfectionist, what can be good or bad for myself. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Joined the server in the begining of quarantine, around 31th January to the first week of February, 2020. Previous guilds, if any? Trevo, which was disbanded since the leader quit. Why Oblivion? I met ppl from there who are well knowed and funny while running lots of APQ per day, also heard good things about this guild and guild members! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Welp, I'm rly talktive when need, actually I'm beeing active all day long since I need to farm and bossing, and uuhh, Idk my char would looks so cool with guilds icon LOL. Favorite Anime? Dragon Ball Z since it was what made me entering the anime's world, but I like lots of them. Atm I need to start watch Shingeki no Kyojin kek.
Sorry, we have to deny your application! We wish you luck in all of your MapleRoyals endeavors! Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)
Name/Age: Claira, 23 IGN/Class/Level: Mixiu, 175 Bowmaster Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Clint, Clyde, Dupreh, Gab, Hin, Ken and others What are your plans for this character? This character is my new main and I would like to improve her current attack set and run NT bosses daily What other characters do you own? 11PM (Bishop), Heoni (APQ), Luela (TL slave), Purein (CR) and Seuri (baby Shad) Country/State(US): SG Something about yourself: I have been playing video games since I was 9 (MapleSEA) and it has been a huge part of my life since. Apart from Royals, other games I enjoy are Dota and Stardew Valley. I am studying Mass Comms and I like travelling and watching anime in my free time How long have you played MapleRoyals? 6 months Previous guilds, if any? I am in Cozy and Fendi on other characters Why Oblivion? I have a bunch of friends in here who I do APQ and boss runs with daily and the random Oblivion members who I have ran with before made runs enjoyable. There are also experienced players that I'd like to learn from since I am still relatively new compared to others Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I consider myself extremely active (6-8 hours daily) and competitive so I'll always be doing activities to improve my characters. I enjoy taking the initiative to host and look forward to being able to boss with new friends. Also, @MaCheri refuses to join so I'd like to recruit more APQ slaves apple farmers Favorite anime? Demon Slayer, Haikyuu!, Mushishi and Steins;Gate
Accepted! Hi Claira, you can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) - I also PM'd you our guild discord link so you can ping one of us there!
Name/Age: Devin 23 IGN/Class/Level: Devinwild BM 168 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not yet What are your plans for this character? Wash to 18,75k hp, get the legendary collector and generaly have some good fun, it's a game afterall What other characters do you own? 135 sair, 174 f/p. 167bish. 145 pali. 140 bucc, 120 DK. hs/hb/cpq1 mule and some WIP chars. Country/State(US): Currently living in the Netherlands Something about yourself: Hi i'm Devin 23 and i work sometimes during the day and sometimes during the night. In my spare time i play videogames. My hobby consists of building way too expensive pc's to play a mushroom game that a potato can run. Ow and i like to spend my weekends standing in a field with other people listening to some loud music while on drugs, it's a dutch thing. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Started playing maplelegends around february 2017 and then in june 2019 i tried royals and since that day i'm living my childhood nostalgia. Previous guilds, if any? Snack, Legendary, Tulips, Degeneracy, Asgard. Why Oblivion? Oblivion seems like the place to be for some good fun and bossing. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Cuz i got SE and currently 17.5k hp, plus sometimes i'm not an idiot. What else can you require^^ Favorite Anime? Closest to an anime that i like would be Megas XLR/Rick&Morty
Name/Age: boris/32 IGN/Class/Level:ludiboris/assassin/46, Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? no What are your plans for this character? bossing/helping out What other characters do you own? bishop/134 Country/State(US):us Something about yourself: enjoy talking about anything, chill and always down to have fun How long have you played MapleRoyals?few years, took a break Previous guilds, if any? cant remember what guild I was Why Oblivion? seems like its the most active and Im looking for an active group of people. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? because I try to help and im fun! Favorite Anime? oh boy the list is long on this 1 lol, no particular favorite but hunter x hunter, great teacher onizuka, eye shield 21, major, I mean anything and everything lol
Name/Age: João/21 IGN/Class/Level: VoltaTemer/NL/175 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Ninko and GeorgeJeff are my close friends, but i wish to know more ppl ❤️ What are your plans for this character? Level 200, boss runs (HT, Toad, TheBoss, CWK), grind for even better gears! What other characters do you own? JoãoDeDeus, bs200(washed), SemTeto, hero153 (a bit quitted), JonesCagones, bm138 (se mule w/ potential 12k hp wash to do), Sedujao, shad138 (sed mule), oPiranha, wk92 (cr mule), ForaTemer, 159nl (unwashed quitted, fm mule). Country/State(US): Brazil!!! Something about yourself: Always in a good mood, easy going, focused on studies (math teacher), but whenever I have time, I spend it with Royals (3-5h / day). How long have you played MapleRoyals? Looooong time hahaha... since 2016 i've been playing that lovely game Previous guilds, if any? Some brazilian guilds like Tapioca, Trevo and Tabajara (old). Why Oblivion? Because it really looks like a clean and friendly guild with people of good reputation. Also choose Oblivion because I need more friends who are thinking in grind the the game with fun. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I've just hitted 200 on my bs so I'll focus on NL! I do log in everyday, most of the time looking for boss runs and I know the game considerably, so i can help with informations, tips and guides Favorite Anime? To be honest, I've watched Naruto and Dragon Ball when i was younger, but I'm not the biggest anime fan hahaha
Name/Age: Renee/23 IGN/Class/Level: Carmilla/DrK/16x Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? I'm coming back from an incredibly long break from the game (finishing school and getting a job, removal of Mac client compatibility so finally getting around to installing Bootcamp, etc.), so I'm not sure if any of my old buddies are still active. But even just looking the thread, I recognize a bunch of names - I used to run around with Stan, Kaim, Christian (Shiva), and I've for sure seen Eli around a bunch. So hi ~ What are your plans for this character? Bossing! I'm fairly casual, so I don't want to spend hours every day grinding just to grind, which is why I enjoy the dopamine rush from seeing big hits on bossing so much. Other than that, card hunting maybe? I've already done the big Quest Specialist grind a while ago, so this one might be next... What other characters do you own? A 9x HS mule named momvans lmao Country/State(US): Illinois (CST) Something about yourself: I'm a huge musician and I love both making and listening to it! I'd be happy to talk music anytime! How long have you played MapleRoyals? Oh sheesh...since late 2014 I think it was. But only very sporadically for the past few years. Previous guilds, if any? Shade, Clarity, Villains Why Oblivion? I want to find a friendly, active community of high-level bossers that would be willing to take me in and help me get caught up with all the new content I've missed out on over the past few years. Oblivion is a name I've seen around for a long time and one I've always had a ton of respect for. I would be honored to be welcomed to that fold. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I got that hyper booty jk I know everyone washes now so that's barely relevant haha. But I'm super friendly, I can hold my own in bossing, and I've been around for a long time. I've seen this game grow and evolve and the community has always been what brings me back. Favorite Anime? Naruto, my first and only tbh
Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)
Name/Age: Catherine/27 IGN/Class/Level: Popoto/BM/157 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not yet! I had a long break so after coming back, most of my friends don't log on anymore What are your plans for this character? Reach level 200, learn all the new bosses, explore the new content, farm cards, daily HP quest, APQ... I'm pretty much ready to take on any boss now. Just need a group of nice people What other characters do you own? Mousse , my bishop Lv173 ! Country/State(US): Canada Something about yourself: I work at Walmart. Haha but seriously, I love to stay home and play games, watch series, draw... I also live with my boyfriend which I'm slowly getting hooked onto royals (He only played maplestory in the very old days, when orbis wasn't even a thing yet!) hehe. Oh and I own two adorable floof balls, both equipped with fully functional squish beans How long have you played MapleRoyals? Not sure but according to my forum account, it's been about 7 years!! Previous guilds, if any? I was in Valiant but the guild died while I was gone D: Why Oblivion? I've only heard good things about this guild and I've been a little shy to apply, but now I'm making that move to try and finally get that "home" feeling I'm looking for. I'm always down to do some bossing but it's not the same without a guild.. I'd really like to have a close group of people to always have fun with.. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm always nice to people! (I can get very derpy but I'll never be offensive) I love to help, participate in all kind of things, I'm already kinda high level and slowly getting more HP. I just want to have more fun ^-^ I pretty much play everyday but some days, I'll be too drained from whatever may have happened at work .. Favorite Anime? It's hard to choose since there are a few that I really like, but I'm gonna have to go with FMA
Name/Age: Talon/26 IGN/Class/Level: Talonflame 168 Bowmaster, Showdown 160 Bishop Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? It's been too long but maybe? What are your plans for this character? 10.2k hp, Toad, git gud at cwkpq, black belt What other characters do you own? Bowmaster, Bishop, NL, HB mule, CPQ mules Country/State(US): USA/NY Something about yourself: I like DDR How long have you played MapleRoyals? 5-6 Years on and off Previous guilds, if any? Oblivion like 3 years ago, Trinity, Pokemon (mine) Why Oblivion? Looking for strong players to boss with. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I have HS and SE, can 1 hit skeles&TC, boss daily, and idk I'm bored. Favorite Anime? My Hero Academia!
Name/Age: Shawn /27 IGN/Class/Level: Tsokuyomi /NL / 149 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Well I really don't know, cause I took a break like half year ago and who knows maybe I met some of your'e members and we had a good time together haha, but I would defintly would like to meet new people. What are your plans for this character? Well I am a soul mapler, I played in GlOBAL since I was a kiddo (Tiger and Suushi are my old folks lol ) my maple goal is to have a good maple community expirience, friend, bonds and connection is above all. What other characters do you own? None Country/State(US): Israel Something about yourself: I am funny, respectful and nice person in general. I like to help when I have the chance to. I am an electrical and electronics student engineer (my last year(I hope )) I am friendly and I'm more into having friends and talk about life How long have you played MapleRoyals? ~1 year approx Previous guilds, if any? hmm I had some but my main guild was Rage I had a really good time there and I made new friends, but everyone left and the guild died (RIP) so now I'm really into get a new guild with cool and nice people to talk to and not only soloing the game (what fun is in that?) Why Oblivion? well I'll be honest no specific reason but when I just entered the topic and read your'e thread, I realised that it might be the best guild to have, you seem like you care about people, it's not just a regular guild, it looks like it is important for you to know about us before you recruit us . I can tell you are really nice and social and honestley? that's what important for me. not to play and to be the strongest or the richest . I just want to get the good old maple global expirience that I had (and can't forget) back then in 2006. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I know who I am. I am a person who cares, and I'm here to give and to share my prespective and knowledge, I can contribute alot and I have what it takes to be quialified in 110%. i am that kind of person that if I see good comes to me i'm giving times good more back. Favorite Anime? Defintly good old DBZ and NARUTO. Keep it simple. I really hope I'll get a positive answer from you guys . and even if not we can still be a good friends ;P
Name/Age: Kasper, 25 IGN/Class/Level: Lowiqhero, name should tell the class i play!, 178 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Vorhan (Mike) who’s my shao buddy, think ive krexed with some folks in the guild, but im really bad with names! What are your plans for this character? HT, Toad, bossing in general. Trying to optimize my hero to its fullest, reaching lvl 200 when I have more time ! What other characters do you own? lowiqdk and my new up-coming hs mule for making new future chars lowiqhs Country/State(US): Denmark Something about yourself: I’m studying to become a social advisor, pretty chill dude, chatty, funny from time to time , love playing games such as WoW, Cod and ms! How long have you played MapleRoyals? Id say about 2 years? Me and some friends started shortly before covid showed up. Previous guilds, if any? Liquorstore, been there since I started, lovely and friendly people, I’ll still have my mules parked there to chat Why Oblivion? The pursuit of bossing, making new friends and to play with Vorhan (when he isn’t super busy with work) Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Because im a chill dude who want to become better, im ready for the big bosses after spending all the recourses I have on my hero Favorite Anime? Attack on Titan! Mostly because of the new season HYYYPE
Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) please kick my butt in pokemon showdown Sorry, we have to deny your application! We wish you luck in all of your MapleRoyals endeavors! Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)