Name/Age: Rich IGN/Class/Level:Kutless/Shad/149 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? A few of my friends are in the guild: Bibz/klossy/rigo/tien ! What are your plans for this character? Trying to hit 200 and finish my dagger T.T What other characters do you own?Yogibe2r-lvl200sair/ Moonpriest-184bish Country/State(US): US Something about yourself: I played in Bera back in GMS! How long have you played MapleRoyals? More than a year now Previous guilds, if any? I'm currently in Tenacity and Playboys on my other characters.
Sorry, we have to deny your application! We wish you luck in all of your MapleRoyals endeavors! Sorry, we have to deny your application! We wish you luck in all of your MapleRoyals endeavors!
Name/Age: Tommi/108 IGN/Class/Level: tomko/bm/194 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Jani, JP, Daniel, Sharon, Ramon, Mike, others less What are your plans for this character? Get level 200 and upgrade my att gears What other characters do you own? bossu 187 am, bs/cr/sed mules for bossing Country/State(US): Finland Something about yourself: I drink a lot. I study compsci in uni and I love fm hoeing according to people. How long have you played MapleRoyals? A bit shy of a year in total, about four months this year, rest in old source Previous guilds, if any? Some old and dead ones Why Oblivion? idk I know everyone t. Sharon. I play with these guys anyways so why not? Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I play a lot and i was told to join. Fr I think Im a decent guy and your EU division could use some reinforcements Favorite Anime? If Moomins count, then Moomins. If not, Moomins.
I see the status of the thread is "Recruiting" so I decide to sign up. Pardon me if there is no recruitment at the moment. ------------------------ Name/Age: Thang/24 IGN/Class/Level: VectorNL / Night Lord / 200 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild?: 2 years ago I knew Nemumu who was a guild member of Oblivion. We became friend after we encountered a bug in Krexel which ruined our run. I am also a friend of CanYouBeNice. What are your plans for this character? Getting Legendary Collector Medal and Quest Virtuoso Medal, as well as upgrading my range to 7k if possible (Current: 6.6k). Currently at 309/400 card sets collected and 948/1000 quests done. What other characters do you own?: I have a LV157 Bowmaster and a LV131 Bishop. Currently I only use them for mule purpose and card farming assistance. Country/State(US): Vietnam Something about yourself: I work in the audit industry. I love Power Metal music, watching Sci-Fic, action and war movies. I am very friendly and always find ways to help people around me. How long have you played MapleRoyals? I started playing since Feb 2018, so more than 3 years. Previous guilds, if any? + Myth (Mar 2018 to Jul 2018): My first guild, everything was good but one day I found out most of our guild members were offline and I was always the lone one online. I thought they were busy but then I read out guild BBS and figured out that most of my guild mates were banned. And I don't know the reason. + Dice (from Jul 2018 to Aug 2018): I was a buyer at the guild's Zakum run, they invited me because they said it was fun talking to me. They were friendly and supportive. However, due to some unwanted problem, I and other members had to move to the new guild of Dice: NoLife. + NoLife (Aug 2018 to Jun 2019): Our alliance with Alien, Nakama and Savior was awesome. But again, the guild became inactive again and we left the alliance. My Guild Master and Jr Guild Master advised me to leave the guild and join an active one to fit my goal and direction. + Timeless (Jun 2019 to Jul 2019): Just a fun guild I made with my friends. + Annexus (Jul 2019 to now): I spent most of my Royals career here. My guild mates and alliance members are wonderful, they guided and took me to contents which I had never experienced before: GPQ, Horntail, Toad, etc. But all good things must come to an end, now most of my guildmates were banned or quitted. So it's time for me to move on. Why Oblivion? Oblivion is my dream guild since I started playing, because I met some people from Oblivion and they were all nice and elite. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I have strong commitment, get along with people well and dedicate to MapleRoyals. Favorite anime? Case closed (Detective Conan)
Name/Age: Cory/25 IGN/Class/Level: YesCory / Assassin / (51 Now) Are you familiar with anyone in the guild?: Eli What are your plans for this character? Level 200! This will be my new main What other characters do you own? Emmure (138 Shadower) , Entertained (70 Ranger) Country/State(US): Canada / Ontario Something about yourself: Currently a chef at an amazing family restaurant, very into gaming/reading! How long have you played MapleRoyals? On and off since 2014 Previous guilds, if any? Oblivion Why Oblivion?: I really liked the community of Oblivion back when I used to main my Shadower. Now that i'm back and plan on playing daily it would be great to have a nice community to play with. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I believe i'm qualified to join not because of my previous membership of the guild, but because, I am an overall friendly extroverted person who would be a great knowledgeable asset of the game to the guild.
Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Sorry to both of you for the late response.
Name/Age: Yin/23 IGN/Class/Level: Sairko/Corsair/171 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? VoltaTemer, Soldador What are your plans for this character? Pro at HT dismounting f3 What other characters do you own? lvl200 hero/155 NL/ IL leecher, hs/bs/cpq/cr/sed/hb/SI mules Country/State(US): Perú Something about yourself: mechanical engineering student, talkative guy and love to learn something new everyday even playing royals How long have you played MapleRoyals? 1 year and half Previous guilds, if any? Got my hero on Gryffindor Why Oblivion? Im looking for a nice international guild to have fun doing (non)meme runs kek, but also trying to improve my english while playing. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? During this time playing the game, I think I got enough information and helpful tips to share with anyone who asks for. Always down to help and ready to meet you guys (Edit) Favorite Anime? Between Akame ga kill and Evangelion
Recruitment Update - late August 2021 Hey, it has been a while since you heard from us (Guild Leaders) but to put it short, @Eli has been inactive for quite sometime due to real life commitments and lack of general interest in the game. Going forward, I will be handling all future guild applications so if you are interested in joining, you can talk to me in game or private message me on the forums. As of now, recruitment will be referral only, so any newer members of the community interested in joining should try to get to know our existing members before applying!
Name/Age: SAM / 19 IGN/Class/Level: Enosis/I/L/151 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? YES What are your plans for this character? YES What other characters do you own? F/P 140+ , BS 140+ Country/State(US): KOREA, SEOUL Something about yourself: im active so i always play mapleroyals How long have you played MapleRoyals? 3months and got 140+ f/p , i/l , bs Previous guilds, if any? Newplanet Why Oblivion? because i want active guild Why do you think that you're qualified to join? because i can inform to new players with my experience and active
Name/Age: Pedro / 27 IGN/Class/Level: WashingtonJr/Buccaneer/ 165 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? VoltaTemer, Ucker What are your plans for this character? Daily bosses and get this guy to 200 What other characters do you own? lvl165 paladin/161 BS/153 BM /145 sair / 143 IL / 135 DKR Country/State(US): Brazil Something about yourself: Bachelor Degree in mechanical Engeneering, lived in canada for 6 months, very interactive person and now working as a maintenance supervisor in one of the biggest food companies in the world. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since 2019 Previous guilds, if any? Tapioca a Brazillian Guild. Why Oblivion? Looking for a very good guild and oblivion is one of the top guild on the server, so i can learn more about maple, improve my english and make new friends. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am a maplestory fan, played maple since GMS way back in time, i am a very friendly person and wish to help and interact with everyone, have a lot of good friends in royals but they are all brazilian. Joining Oblivion i wish to meet international people so i can learn more and make new friends.
Name/Age: Max ,24 IGN/Class/Level: Xavie NL 157 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? - yes tssuna, ninko and some more What are your plans for this character? reach the maximum attack possible, and always help my friends What other characters do you own? BS 175 ign jeyjey, Hero 182 ign Kreytos, BM 165 ign Arshawin, and cr mule Country/State(US): Im from Brazil, but I live in Canada Something about yourself: Im a person who always likes to keep good friendships, I avoid fights and disagreements, I like to help even when I cant How long have you played MapleRoyals? 3,4 anos i think Previous guilds, if any? crew, tenacity, savior just leave for not participating in activities with the people Why Oblivion? I see its a very active guild besides being very friendly, all the people I got involved from there have a great personality, besides its a guild that always stays strong! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I have great communication, chars and mules to offer, and my help will always be welcome