@Jace Will miss you on royals ;~; Female Caboose :3 ... simply because you didn't want your character wearing a schoolgirl outfit. :c
I haven't had as much time to draw lately, I just managed to get a full time job (yay!) and I start as soon as I get my internet and several other things set up for it. I do still plan on doing these drawings, but they certainly won't be one a day, or one every few days. Maybe one or two pics a week? When I first posted this thread about 5 months ago (you know the one that a certain someone accidentally deleted on me), I didn't think I'd still be drawing pics for it now, but I'm glad I am. It's awesome how much these maple pics (all 80ish of them) have helped me improve my digital skills :3 I know several people still on my list have since quit Royals, but I still plan on drawing their characters regardless ^^' I think I'm to the point where I don't know if I should take new requests, though. I have almost 30 people lined up as it is. x: I guess, if you don't mind waiting a while, feel free to tell me and I'll add you to the list? ^^' Thanks guys for keeping my thread alive this long~ <3
Either way, congrats on the new job! Very well deserved and they better value every bit of your skill or I'll make them value them...
@Glorybear Glorybear & 1ARIA1 I just met you not too long ago, but it was nice getting to know you, even if only a little bit c: Will miss you on royals~!
@wondersheep Wondersheep I haven't really spoken to him in a long time, I had said forever ago I was going to draw him a picture for all the scrolls he had given me (he's the one who started my scrolling addiction...giving me 90 something scrolls for when I "got bored"), but he insisted on being placed on the bottom of the list >.<; Well, it only took a few months but I finished it <3 I know I could have done a bunch better, I started my job a week ago and its..been..hectic to say the least :/ .. I haven't really wanted to look at a screen upon finishing working ^^' So, this was basically a speedpaint, took somewhere around 45mins to an hour to finish?
@herpderp oh God I can't believe I've never stumbled on this thread till now, your work is amazing I have a request, here's my character in-game: (pardon the Christmas sock smega) I'd love if you could do a drawing of my character, perhaps make it look more androgynous, and if possible include my skunk (and its bow hehe) in the picture as well I would love using your rendition of my character as my forum avatar take your time on this and thanks so much for your service & talent
Hi! When you have the time could you draw my character please? I'd like it if you could have the character riding a war cow. (Think War Elephants, but Cows) IGN: Muuuuuuuu
I made this years ago when GMS was having a contest for a new pet..sadly they didn't think maplestory needed a cow pet (timing on the gif is completely off...pretend you don't notice it ) yay cows~ c:
Oh my, your drawings are beautiful. Do you sketch and do art on paper as well? I can draw, but not on the computer. When I draw on the computer even my stick figures look like something's pooed all over them, LOL.
Your artwork is absolutely breathtaking! I would be humbled if you have a chance to work with me and foxy <3 I'm willing to make a gracious donation for your effort, if it is possible. To include extra if you're able to provide a forum signature (art style + IGN "Purify") with it.
Thanks :3 I used to do a bunch more traditional drawing/painting and stuff like that.. but when I went to college that kinda stopped. When I started drawing again (towards the end of college) it was with the old wacom bamboo tablet. It took me forever to get used to it, but now it feels awkward drawing on paper and I always reach to hit ctrl+z ..and..its not there ._.; I still sketch from time to time on paper, but its just sketches, no highly detailed drawings. What do you use when you try to draw on the computer? o:
OMG I'm rushing to school so this post doesn't do the love I have for this picture justice, but this fits what I envisioned so much ^^ I love it, thank you for your art! @herpderp