Yeah i've tried both. Usually I download at 6mbps on Google Drive, i download most stuff from there. But both mega and google are Downloading at the same rate. The speed is consistantly increasing though. I'm up to 600kb ps... I'll just have to wait it out. -- I also tried to download a different file (not related to MS) threw google drive at the same time, and i can download that at 5mbps with no problem. Oh well.
In my opinion: extra channels = good; extra platform in FM = bad. I would far prefer that we had retained the ~donator command than have Big Hedward unnecessarily and permanently cluttering up the FM. The extra platform for NPCs in the FM spoils the nostalgia pretty badly for me. What I would far prefer, if there is not room to fit new NPCs neatly into the normal FM layout is to either make one of the existing NPCs multifunctional (like Fredrick was) or to use player commands. I'm aware that Matt and John don't like player commands, but this is a nostalgia server, and significantly altering the appearance of existing maps is, in my opinion, un-nostalgic. Player commands have the advantage of being discreet and helping keep the nostalgia intact by keeping un-nostalgic changes neatly hidden. They allow us to have the best of both worlds - the appearance of "oldskool Maple" and the perks of a private server.
100% agreed that the new/ any FM layout with a ledge and NPCs in the middle makes it look just like all of the other private servers. Voting for a clean FM with Fred back where he was.
Since Albert is a custom made NPC that sells SMEGAs, what command would be used to call him? ~buysmegas? I think in this case you have to have an NPC placed somewhere.
Imo it wouldnt be a problem to place Albert in a place like Henesys. Moving around in maple doesnt take that long especially with the current boat system. An advantage of putting him in a map outside of FM would be that people would have a better reason to buy in bundles and maybe in the long way it would make as more of a mesos sink?
I'd also much prefer the NPC to be visible like it is now, especially since it was custom made and has it's own text bubbles and animations that can only be seen if it's on a map.
I guess "~itemseller". I take your point about needing an NPC placed somewhere, although I'm not sure if MeiMei (the old donator NPC, and a handy example) was actually placed anywhere in our map files or not. Theoretically she's in a part of Malaysia that we don't have. Big Hedward, however, is in Henesys hair salon in later versions of Maple. I do see your point, and to be honest, it's not Albert that feels "off" so much as that elongated platform at the start of the FM On a slightly different note, there might have been a bug/error with this patch - "~gm" now has the old text length limit back (ie about 70 characters long) and I have no idea if this was intentional or not. (Yes, this is the first day I've logged onto any of my legits since the patch, lol!)