Pirate Party Quest Guide [2024]

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Apoc_Ellipsis, May 16, 2024.

  1. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Welcome, fellow Maplers! This guide will take you through the Pirate Party Quest (PPQ), providing detailed instructions for each stage. I used to run this PQ over and over and had a Pirate Hat back in Vanilla Maplestory from the hundreds of runs I ran so I figured I was best to share with everyone some of the lost lore and strategy that 2007 had to offer.


    - Level: 70-200 (This was 100 and has been extended to 200 in Royals. Quests currently are unavailable after 100)
    - Party: 3-6 members
    - Location: Herb Town (Nearby)


    From Herb Town head right until you find the map Isolated Swamp with Mr. Alli.
    There is a secret portal to Red Nose Den by pressing up on the top cage as seen below.


    In Red-Nose Pirate Den 1 take the top portal to be brought to the PPQ Waiting area


    Gather up a party of 3-6 people and have the leader talk to Guon to begin.

    upload_2024-5-16_11-48-1.gif upload_2024-5-16_11-48-21.png upload_2024-5-16_11-48-32.png upload_2024-5-16_11-48-37.png upload_2024-5-16_11-48-44.png upload_2024-5-16_11-48-48.png upload_2024-5-16_11-48-59.png upload_2024-5-16_11-49-5.png



    Lore Dump: Guon the servant of the king of bellflowers Wu Yang needs your help. The Bellflowers of Herb Field have turned into violent monsters and are attacking people at will because of Lord Pirate. Lord Pirate has captured Wu Yang. We must rescue Wu Yang before the pirate ship leaves (Hence all the time limits).
    Objective: Defeat all the bellflowers on the map before the time limit is up.
    Description: This stage requires your party to defeat a number of Bellflowers. Just spam your best AOE moves and stay alive and defeat everything to get to the end portal before the time limit is up. Do not enter the portal until everyone is ready to join as it will start the room 2 timer as soon as anyone enters (It's generous enough that it's not a big deal, but if you're running low level or with mules this could be an issue.) Generally if you're running with an active party just go in.
    Note: DO NOT HIT THE CHESTS this will cause more monsters to spawn unless you are specifically looking for the quest item (See Below).


    Lore Dump: Lord Pirate has sealed a portal preventing you from entering the next room three whole times. Collect Pirate Emblems to identify you as a pirate(Mark of the Pirates) to dispel the 3 seals
    Objective: Collect 20 of each of the following:
    [​IMG] Mark of the Rookie Pirate
    [​IMG] Mark of the Rising Pirate
    [​IMG] Mark of the Veteran Pirate.

    When entering this room talk to Guon who will have the Pirates spawn. Just defeat the enemies that spawn. The leader needs to pick up the various marks that are dropped and once they have 20 it’ll despawn the current wave of pirates. If the leader talks to Guon again it’ll summon the next wave which will drop the next mark. Repeat this again for Veteran pirates and then once 20 are given to Guon the final seal of the room will break and everything will despawn and you can enter the next room.
    Note: If you are doing this PQ with mules or low levels, you can clear a wave, heal, then summon the next wave.


    Lore Dump: This is the deck of the ship.
    Objective: Kill everything in the room and move on.
    Description: It really is that simple. If you’re not doing a bonus room. Just defeat everything and move on.

    Lore Dump:
    This is also the deck of the ship.
    Objective: Kill everything in the room and move on.
    Description: It really is that simple. If you’re not doing a bonus room. Just defeat everything and move on.


    Lore Dump: All the pirates are now aware that you are on their ship and are ready to attack you even the ones who don’t normally fight. Lock them in the ship so they can’t come out any more.
    Objective: Close and lock all 4 doors with Keys [​IMG] to prevent the crew from coming out.

    Description: This room will infinitely spawn monsters out of the 4 doors until you close the doors. Periodically the monsters will drop Skeleton Keys. If the keys are dropped in front of a door this will lock the door. Once all 4 doors are locked and all remaining monsters are defeated you can move onto the boss room.

    Protip: Ideally you should run this PQ with a Thief who can drop the keys with dark sight. If so all other players should just leave the keys for the thief to pick up who should start closing them once you have 4.

    Protip: If you don’t have a thief I recommend collecting 4, then focus on clearing the bottom. Eventually someone will be able to stand around long enough to drop a key closing the bottom doors or one will drop on the door naturally. Once the bottom is cleared you can jump and drop keys at the top (You can only do this with 1 key in your inventory easily otherwise you get asked how many to drop.) If you’ve got a bigger party you can have your team mates pull the crew away so you can drop.
    • Sometimes a defeated monster will be defeated in front of the door and drop their key. If this happens the door will close without you having to drop it yourself with Royals drop rates, there will be no shortage.

    • If you drop more than 1 key in front of a door as a stack it’ll use up the whole stack. If 2 players drop keys it’ll only absorb the first key/stack.

    Lore Dump:
    This is the captain who has captured Wu Lung. Defeat him to rescue Wu Lung.
    Objective: Defeat Captain Lord Pirate.
    Description: This is the final stage where you will face Captain Lord Pirate. His only skill is to buff his Defense and summon creatures. You should be able to defeat him easily. Once Captain Lord Pirate is defeated, you will complete the quest and receive your rewards.
    20-40 White Potions
    20-40 Mana Elixirs
    6-10 Morning Dew
    6-10 Evening Dew
    6-10 Reindeer Milk
    6-10 Elixirs.
    Sometimes the captain will drop Lord Pirate’s Key to Chest [​IMG] Each person can only hold one.I’ll explain what these are used for in the Bonus Room Section Below.

    Note: You will not be able to clear the PQ (And get the XP reward that makes the PQ Worth it) if the leader is dead. Since a leader can't pass if they d/c or leave the PQ the rest of the party is out of luck.


    You will walk over to Wu Yang and be presented with 3 options potentially.

    • Check out the Kill count will inform you how many times you’ve killed the Captain and how long until your next pirate hat. You will get a pirate hat after 10, 20, 30, and 50 times. You will need to check your kill count at these numbers to get the hat.
    Note: The hat will be replaced and you need the previous hat in your inventory to get the next level hat. It is my understanding that scrolls will not carry forward, this is pending verification.

    • Resetting the kill count of Lord Pirate lets you reset your kill count to 0. This is only useful if you blew up your hat or badly scrolled it and need to start over.

    • Leave this place. Leave the room and will let you exit the PQ. (You will get the Token of Teamwork/XP as you leave so be careful with d/c's)

    ^ This is is partially untrue as you can start over from 0 to restart the Hat journey.

    If you are over 55 and under level 100 you will have the option to receive 5 quests, two quests from Guon, 2 in Herb Town, and 1 in Lith Harbor.

    Eliminating Pirates: Defeat 200 Devoted Kru & Defeat 200 Devoted Captain.
    The Outlaw in the Sea: Defeat Lord Pirate, Angry Lord Pirate, and Enraged Lord Pirate.

    There is also :

    Lith Harbor
    Pirate's Map (Level 55 and above):
    Participate in the Pirate Party Quest in order to hunt for 6 Piece of the Pirate Map from Lord Pirate.

    Herb Town:---
    Finding the Ingredients for Tae Sang:
    Collect 100 Ginseng Concentrate & 50 Bellflower Concentrate.

    Captain Lord Pirate: Get a Lord Pirate's Travel Diary from breaking a Chest, Bring it to Captain Hwang who will then ask you to open a chest in the Bellflower Room. See Below on the Bellflower rooms.

    To do these rooms you need to do the two bonus rooms in Through the Deck 1 & 2. Both have two doors you can enter. Deck 1 & 2 are mirrored from each other.

    Deck 1 has Bellflower on the left and Captain/Kru on the right
    Deck 2 Has Captain/Kru on the left and Bellflowers on the right.

    So each PQ you can do 2 Bellflower rooms and 2 Captain/Kru rooms. Let’s discuss each.


    Bellflower Room

    The Bellflower rooms use the same timer as your timer in Through the Deck. Your objective is to defeat all the Bellflowers in the room. The Bellflowers will periodically drop Bellflower Concentrate [​IMG] This is the only place to get these. Once you’ve got your 50 for your quest that is all you need. Clearing the whole room will probably net you only 3-5 of them. They are tradable, but not very often collected.

    If you defeat all the Bellflowers in the room a Treasure Chest will spawn


    If you drop a Lord Pirate Key to Treasure [​IMG] on top of it. Then it’ll open and you’ll get a few more concentrates and upgrade the difficulty of Lord Pirate. Also if you've given the Travel Diaryr back to Captain Hwang you have a chance for him to drop Lord Pirate's Treasures upload_2024-6-22_21-51-25.png
    Note: You do not need to have the Treasures drop to upgrade the boss.

    If you open one chest you will upgrade Lord Pirate to Angry Lord Pirate.
    If you open two chests you will upgrade Angry Lord Pirate to Enraged Lord Pirate.


    Not much changes except Lord Pirate has more HP and you need to defeat each once for Outlaw in the Sea quest. The XP seems to stay the same regardless of which version you fight (Not sure if this intentional will need to test further)
    Each player can only hold one copy of Lord Pirate Key to Treasure [​IMG]. So you need 2 separate party members dropping the key and completing BOTH Bellflower rooms to Defeat Enraged Lord Pirate.

    Captain/Kru room

    You only get 60 seconds per room and a new timer will start as soon as anyone enters this room. You’ll get a blue text notification once somebody enters. Your original Room timer will still count down while you’re in here.
    WARNING: If you are still in the room when that 60 seconds passes over you get kicked out of the PQ! Not just the room. You (And ONLY YOU) are kicked from the PQ.


    This is the only place Dedicated Kru and Dedicated Captain will spawn. They will auto-despawn every 10 seconds or so and a new batch will appear. Kill as many as you can to complete your defeat 200 of each quest. Make sure everyone is out of the room before the timer is up. If you don’t leave the room before the 60 seconds is up you WILL be kicked out of the PQ. Generally you should start heading back with 10 seconds left. This is the only way to complete the Eliminating Pirates quest.

    It’s good to let your team know if you’re doing this. They can continue on the PQ without you if they don’t need to do these rooms, but make sure both the Through the Deck and this room timer don’t cause you to get kicked out.

    Guide Updates:
    0.5 Updated verbiage that changed between writing guide and present to make a more consistent message 8/2/24
    0.4 Cleaned up Basic Formatting and added missing PPQ quests. 6/24/24
    0.3 Updated FAQ To reflect change to allow resetting of level 90 hat (Reset after 50 runs) 6/23/24
    0.2 Updated typos/verbiage. Clarified room 5. Removed some details until formal testing is done (With source). Moved to-do list to 3rd post.
    0.1 Released Initial Release with most info 5/16/24
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  2. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Quick Info:

    Hat Stats with info:
    Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-87-26-10-23.224727/#post-1364214

    Scrolls exist for all 4 stats +Str, +Dex, +Int, and +Luk.
    Each give +3 in stat. You have 7 slots on your helm, so you can get 1 stat up to (13-15)+21
    Your secondary stat would stay 13-15


    Example level 90 hat:

    Expected XP Per PPQ. Figure out how long it takes to do a PPQ (A good group can run them probably every 10-15 minutes easy faster if everyone's going hardcore) If you multiply this times 4-6 you can get your hourly XP rate. As you can see


    Runs per level.


    Q: Does Upgrading a 60, 70, or 80 hat carry forward to your level 90 hat?
    A: No, It's best not to do any updates until you get your final hat
    Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/ppq-hat.222666/

    Q: Once I get my hat, can I get another hat?
    A: At this time hat's are not re-obtainable. If you fail a scroll or boom your hat you're out of luck.
    Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/make-ppq-final-hat-reobtainable.230114/
    A: Matt has updated the script, you can now start over if you boom your level 90 hat.
    New Source: https://discord.com/channels/1008174423846686801/1008557825942888568/1254568082962382890

    Q: Can I do the PPQ Quests after level 100?
    A: All though you can do PPQ over level 100, the quests are not available to accept after level 100. You can get them as early as 55 however so best to grab them early. This is looking to be updated in a future update.
    Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/remove-ppq-quests-upper-level-limit.224570/#post-1412456

    Q: Can I do PPQ over level 100?
    A: Yes, as of patch 85.
    Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/update-85-25-05-23.218599/
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
    chainyu0220 and kmusissi like this.
  3. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Gather XP Rates (Level 70 about 20-25%) -
    Verify if other lord pirates give more than 400k XP. (This is me misremembering)
    Verify Treasure Map Quest
    Fix Typos
    Get More Images
    Gather updated Hat information from previous update post
    Gather Token of Teamwork info - Rewards and awarded amount. - 1 Token of teamwork each attempt
    Verify if level 55 can join PPQ.
    They can NOT
    Clean up formatting with Spoiler Tags.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2024
  4. inaruma

    inaruma Member

    May 30, 2024
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    I usually do this kind of thing, figured more people than my guildmates could find it helpful -at the very least curious-.

    This graph takes ONLY into account the experience you get from the reward (400k per run) and the amount of xp required per level from the library exptables (https://royals-library.netlify.app/exptable).

    In total, it only takes a MAX of 334 ppq's to level up to 100, but as you will see in the graph its not worth to keep going after lvl 90 where exp starts to go linear, heres said graph:

    Thank you for this guide, it helped me learn the ppq! @Apoc_Ellipsis

    1.2 - Added all the levels on the X axis <3
    1.1 - Included the increasing total count per level, so you dont have to count them manuall and fixed the total number of runs needed from my post description (previously 391, which i misstyped, it was 334 from the start, thats why i added this cause my math was wrong.).
    1.0 - Added the graph
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
  5. FroSnow

    FroSnow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I manage to get 16 INT today on hat which is higher than 15
    Apoc_Ellipsis likes this.
  6. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Can you share a screenshot as this goes against the documentation we've got unless you've got a super old legacy hat.
  7. FroSnow

    FroSnow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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  8. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    First off that's Luk that's 16 not int (29-15 = 14)

    Technically could be explained by a Chaos scroll. Otherwise odd, because the 13-15 range is from patch notes themselves.
  9. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    13-15 doesn't make sense as a range unless it's custom coded though, if it's set to average of 14 with regular randomization but no godly, then range should be 12-16. So I'd guess a typo in the patch notes
  10. FroSnow

    FroSnow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Then i mean Luk, forgot at the time of making post and no i didn't waste a cs just on this
  11. Apoc_Ellipsis

    Apoc_Ellipsis Donator

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Well I appreciate your data point regardless! I've got some alts I'm going to run through PPQ so I'll try and update a few runs and see if we can get more data about if the hat is a 12-16 roll or not.
    FroSnow likes this.

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