As far as I can see @inversion and I have made our case pretty clear, we think it's a problem that will continue happening. We think it requires some sort of change to be made to combat it in order for the market to function in a healthy way. inversion's posts: #1 , #2 , #3 my posts: #1 , #2 , #3 @Michael and @Platypi are basically saying the same thing, with Mike using colloquialisms and easy to understand language and Josh using a lot of jargon (which is fine I'm not saying don't use jargon). They believe it is currently happening, but in time the market will realign itself to a new equilibrium. Michael's posts: #1 Platypi's posts: #1 , #2 @Tim agrees with @inversion and I (that it's a situation that will only be exaggerated in the future), however does not see this as a problem, simply a feature of the game. Tim's post: #1 @MegaFluff sees this as simply a sign of this time of year, and predicts a rebalancing of stat gear to attack gear relationship every summer, with attack gear prices inflating throughout the rest of the year. MegaFluff's post: #1 I don't really have much to say at this point, I think everyone's stated their cases pretty well and it just boils down to a difference of opinion at this point so idk does anyone have a fresh perspective they want to share - or to back up/denounce a certain argument? basically summation bump
Well, after reading this thread and the comments, I agree with OP, there's a huge discrepancy in item prices for chaosed vs. non-chaosed items. At the same time, I think it's a fair discrepancy that will always be there because of the cost of making the item. Considering the cost of chaosing an SCG, assuming you're aiming for +5 attack (10 att 4 slot), you might need to chaos up to 10 times to get that stat. To sum up the cost, it would be 400m + 320m = 720m per chaos ATTEMPT, making the value of a 10 att 4 slot ~7b, even more if you consider the competitive market among the players who have the kind of money to buy and perfect that weapon. To most people, 7b is a lot for an extra 2 att, but excluding the idea of an extremely lucky person who makes that SCG on his/her first try, it's what the cost of making a 10 att 4 slot would be. Is there a price discrepancy? Arguably a justifiable one. As for overpriced, the market for these items really depends on the selected few who would be willing to spend that much on an item. Another factor to consider are the type people playing the game. At around this time, most player who started around summer time (such as myself) aren't looking for lower stats. We've built up a fair amount of money, enough to buy 10+ att pgc's and such. This is another factor in the huge price discrepancy; the market just isn't there for lower stat, non-chaosed items. Another way to see it would be the market simply shifting up a level. People have more money to spend on higher-stat, chaosed gear, and are willing to outbid other players at sometimes unreasonably high prices to get that item. When summer comes around, you'll see the price inflation of lower end items such as 15> work gloves/SCG's as more people with less funds join the server and the demand increases. As an additional note, the market that considers the chaosed capes, shoes, and scg's the only items of "real value" are likely the people playing now. These people have more money because they've been playing for longer and played throughout fall/winter, a time when most people quit. I hope I've made my point o_o If anyone want those extra 1-2 stats, especially at end game, they're going to have to pay a lot more than they paid for 1-2 stats earlier on. If it's too much effort to farm up 60b for that extra boost, maybe it's time to use that 60b to buy chairs and sit in fm. I personally find hobbies such as chair collecting just as fun as farming up for that next big boost :3
It's actually nearly a 1/18 chance to make a 10 atk 4 slot.(11 possible outcomes,60% chance for the scroll to pass) So it would cost even more, just thought I should put that out there As for the topic of this thread. I think the fact that stat gear is on the verge of becoming useless and attack gear is sky rocketing in price is very confusing. Every single piece of end game gear should be worth a ton. Idk if this will lead to the economy of royals becoming even worse than it already is. But I think this is definetly something to look into.
In my opinion, I feel that the attention was too heavily directed at "Non-chaosed" vs "Chaosed" items. I believe the reason why "non-chaosed" items have been depreciating over period of time is due to the expansion of market (increment of players), which in its process played the role of stabilising prices and closing the gap between the cost price of scrolling an item and the market equilibrium price (buy/sell) of that scrolled item. The reason for depreciation is that scrolled items always had a higher margin for profit than the cost to scroll the items. Since the scrolled items already have a margin (or profit surplus), the only result would be diminishing margins. And if we look closely, only items which aren't "super" godly are depreciating (for example <2b in value, just a rough number for comparison). Both "super" godly items and "chaosed" items alike are appreciating since the beginning. This could heavily suggest that the problem does lie just within the importance of the weapon attack attribute, but rather the average disposable income of the players. Most godly stuff have a negative margin (cost > selling price). And if we use the same theory that I have suggested above, the only result would be inflation of the godly scrolled items. This is due to the number of people who can afford godly items being so small, implying that the market for godly items is still highly unstable. The only way it would stabilise is to have more players reaching that level of disposable income. Until then, godly products especially "Chaosed" ones should increase not mainly because of the value of the weapon attack, but because of the fact that the cost to chaos that particular item is still HIGHER than its market selling price. I believe that a certain range of chaosed products have already reached that equilibrium price more or less (<11 wa pgc and<8 wa shoes). And as time goes by, items beyond that stat range will continue to inflate until they reach their respective equilibrium prices. And I feel that this isn't a problem at all, it's just the nature of the market and chaos scrolls. The game is already designed in such a way that the weapon attack attribute is much more important than the (str/dex/luk) stats. Reducing the drop rate of end game top/bot will increase BOTH the values of top/bot and cape/shoe. Reducing the rarity of cape/shoe by any means will decrease BOTH the values of top/bot and cape/shoe. The so-called "disparity" will always be there, unless we remove all weapon attack equipment other than weapons. P/S: Nostalgic server meant for nostalgic moments, not long-term gaming. Pre-bigbang has its limit, and we all know that there will be a point where no more updates can be done to make the server any more interesting while preserving the "nostalgic" purpose. We came into this server to relive our childhood memories, not to seek new updates and changes to the game to make it more interesting. So I'll leave it up to you to determine the definition of "long-term success of the server".
Not sure if what's happening is a good or a bad thing but I don't think its something we can change or "fix" due to the fact that ATT is way better than normal stats and it's also common for all jobs , it's something in the game's mechanic and contents , which seems to make no sense to some of the people , same as hp washing (spending a lot of money just to be able to boss) , blame Nexon I guess ?
We've essentially been playing pre-bb gms for 12 years (3 years on 4x); it's expected for things to get wonky. And it's hard to come up with a solution because private servers don't usually last this long. We're dealing with issues that no other server has. Remember, it's still possible to have a fulfilling game experience without 20 attack capes and shoes.
As a architecture graduate, the word "brainstorm" caught me thinking.. "...An event which rewards player to have an untradeable Chaos Scroll?..." Example : Repeatable Quest for all character/player where any 50,000 monster you killed in the game rewards player with an untradeable Chaos Scroll ! 1. Increase chaos scroll supply and force players to enter the chaos market. 2. More incentive for player to participate n play more, getting into the late game part. 3. ....!?!?
I like this idea alot. However, wouldn't the price of clean PGC / FS increase? Any idea that gives players an incentive to hunt / party outside of their usual leeching / bossing routine is really good and healthy for the game I feel. Can't wait for mu lung dojo / CWPQ and stuff!
Maybe if we can get 10k NX per vote, Chaos Scrolls' price will be lower, and same about chaosed items. AP Resets will be cheaper too, but I think that it can help new players without much funds to wash easier.
Honestly I don't really see this as an issue that can be solved completely. No matter what you do, in the end, there will ALWAYS be an enormous price difference between high attack shoes/capes and the rest of the gear. That is kind of just how maplestory works and has always worked. Personally, I have just always found the game to become sort of "meh" when it gets to the point where every other person is running around in what is essentially godly gear (yes, for Royals a 10 att shoe isn't godly, but let's be honest, for maplestory v.6x a 10 attack shoe is end game godly). The only thing I could think of to somewhat fix these things would involve either a server wipe or a new world to be created. Take the popular training spots (gobys, skeles, ulu, etc) and alter their drop tables so the most popular training spots aren't just raining godly clean end game equipment, making these pieces actually rare and coveted. Also you could alter the state of the chaos scroll, whether it be how it works exactly in terms of + or - stats or simply the rate at which they enter the game (I would hope nobody would consider INCREASING the amount of chaoses..inb4 its standard for everyone to have a 12 att cape and shoe) The best idea, in my opinion, is to create a new world (possibly with altered drop tables, if you can do that with just none world) so there is that option of starting in a more "clean/new" server. I would think people like @Plenty would find some sort of interesting way to track how the new servers economy is going on a month to month basis, and you could use that information to help make changes. Also, maybe that world would be the only one that experiences wipes every x amount of time (years), while you continue to have the original, completely unaltered world. I dont know, just ideas
Guys I have some additional insight here. After making that post I immediately took a nap. I often times have dreams about what I am thinking about directly prior to sleeping. In my dream, the new world was a hit! Everyone loved it! Mostly the toast though. Apparently the new source forces us to cook toast to keep it going or something like that. The toast was pretty solid. Perfectly toasted white bread every time. No idea about the chaos situation, though. Hope that helped. (this really happened)
I only read the main post, but I wanna say only one sentence: White scrolls should have never existed. That has ruined the objective of the scrolls. EDIT: actually 2 sentences lol
Maybe make it so gear can only have like 1 or 2 chaos's used on it? So it forces other scrolls to have some use still?
With White Scrolls anyone can make 20-30B from leeching or anything else, and make his own perfect end game weapon. A perfect weapon should be EXTREMELY RARE, UNIQUE. U can find some in the Selling section, that's horrible in my opinion
Bro perfect end game weapons would not exist without white scrolls. To get a perfect end-game weapon you need to land 7 10% or 7 30% in a row. That is .1 ^ 7 = 0.0000001 x 100 = .00001% chance of happening or with 30% = .3 ^ 7 = .0002187 % x 100 = .02% chance of happening. This means statistically, you would need 100/.02 = 5000. FIVE THOUSAND PERFECT CLEAN WEAPONS TO OBTAIN A PERFECT END GAME WEAPON. Naw.. that ain't happening. The problem is Chaos scrolls. Chaos scrolls are incredibly high variance. One or two chaos scrolls working can net you + 5BIL+. On the other hand, one or two chao scroll failing or going negative can you lose you -5B+. There's nothing wrong with gambling but when something is as risky as a chaos scroll, a player's only way to progress gear is to take an extremely, EXTREMELY big risk. And its truly demoralizing when you lose months of grinding in an instant. I have no constructive way to remedy this situation, just my 2 cents. -GLHF
Yeah exactly. Fck perfect weapons devaluing my mediocre weapons! My 117 skis would be considered pretty godly if it weren't for white scrolls.
I knew a BM on Broa named WickedRange. He spent over the course of many months over $2,000 dollars on white scrolls to perfect a Metus. That was the only known perfect weapon on the entire server for a pretty long time. And he did it during the same version era as we are currently playing on. Perfect equips existed on the regular servers. They just took way more effort and time to create than they do on Royals. Perfect gear should exist. They just shouldnt exist at the frequency that they currently do.