I may not have full thought that bit through, but what I was getting at is that if you run on multiple characters, you can use points from different characters. For example, you can run on Mikasa and Pain interchangeably without worrying about lower point total because your points are split up compared to someone who only runs with one character consistently. This would be different from an off-class book because if you wanted Triple Throw 30, for example, as neither of those characters are a Night Lord and thus they wouldn't qualify for the small discount.
The parties are full for Sunday; there's been a lot more interest than I thought! If you are not on the first post's party list, you are welcome to still be available in case members do not show up. See you all on at the run! We will be gathering on channel 6 Cave of Life - Entrance. Please try to be on time and ready to go.
I can fill if any raccoons get lost/stuck in a dumpster. IGN: Technophage Class/LVL: 16x Corsair Loot: Pendant reloot
IGN : brainy Class/LVL: 16x Bowmastur Loot: not so particular so points prob mike u know where to look for if u are shortage of a SE bitch xD
IGN:yanswand Job: 16x bishop with lvl20 ress (Ress all map!) Not available for sunday but in general Loots needed: zerk30
In light of the recent change to Horntail, please remember to make sure that you are not on cooldown for the time of the run. This will count as a no-show and will deduct two points from your total.
I want to join please Mike <3 IGN; injeenious Level/Job; 16x Bishop Loots; MW20 NO DATES BECAUSE NONE MATCH UP FOR NOW D:
Also, I've posted another run due to the interest for Tuesday, October 20th. Take note of the slightly later time; 7pm EST (midnight Servertime).
ME!!!!!! IGN: ZEBRAS JOB/LVL: 154 BISHOP LOOTS: MW20 PLZ & TY <3 Edit: just to clarify, this is for the tuesday run. Edit 2: sorry if that was obvious i just wanted to make sure
IGN: Celtea Level/Job: 18x NL w/max fj mel x wall Date/Time: Sunday, October 20, 7:00 EST Loots: MW20 for my mage (off-class loot) pls and tyy
J> Tuesday, October 20th, IGN:Sekiryuutei Level/Job: 200 / Shadower If you need someone to badge the second party I can do it
IGN: nkfgqwcseaji Level/Class: 180 I/L Archmage Date: Scheduled run for Tuesday, October 20th at 7 PM EST
I wonder if there will be another run after the tuesday run If yes, im interested! IGN: VengeanceDs Lvl & Job: 18x bishop Loot: htp + egg