I would like to join Tuesday's run if it's not full. However, I'm very new to this, have never been on a HT run before. Can someone explain how the fight works ? and isn't HT the boss stage of the HTPQ? how do you skip HTPQ to get to HT? IGN: Littl3Ch0rus Class: Hero Loots: HTP/Nine spirit egg
Mike will probably explain the run as you go along, so the main thing to do is probably just ask whenever you're unsure (e.g. when to sign, when to enter room, which part to attack) if Mike hasn't already done so. As for the HTPQ, HTPQ can be skipped once a "Certificate of Dragon Squad" is obtained, in exchange for a Zak, Papu, Pianus Cert (untradeable etc item) - more information here. (I'm not sure if the BBB version is different, I haven't done the quest myself hehe.) But even if you don't have the cert, it is more than likely that there will be multiple people in the party who do, and they will party you and bring you in to the waiting place - where your party will be reformed, or just some slight changes. Question: Will there be a possibility of my Lv130 DrK joining purely as a HB-er? Also, signing up for Sunday 20th Dec on my Bishop if there are still available slots. (Has the cap for Bishops went up to 4?)
@Ch0rus, you're welcome along; everything will be explained as we begin, so just show up at the designated time to Cave Entrance in Leafre on ch6 with an Onyx Apple and plenty of potions! At the moment, the Bishop cap has been increased to 5; this will be in place until Bishops become accustomed to the new mass Dispel/Seduce mechanics and can be more trusted to stay alive and keep the rest of us that way too.
Hi, I'm want to sign up for ''NA Scheduled Run #1 : < TO BE ANNOUNCED >'' IGN: xBabyMico Level/Job: 156 Bishop
I read that less ranged attackers may be accepted due to reliance on HB, so I'm just wondering, would a level 155 corsair with 9.1k HP be accepted if I were to sign up? I am also not very knowledgeable on HT, despite reading the guide. Hope you can accept noobs ^^ . (Not signing up, just need info )
Thank you all for having attended another Raccoon Horntail Run, you guys are the best! We won't have any runs scheduled until after Christmas so please keep an eye out on the thread for when we do . Have a nice Christmas everyone <3 and we'll see you at the next run ! Spoiler: Kenny only sees Mel, so cute!
2 Questions. 1) What do you mean by, "If you are interested in dinner after the run, please provide your own rubbish. This isn't charity."? 2) I heard since the last patch, HT seduces all (like how I used to HT in EMS). So what is the clean HP required now?
1) It means that, since we are all raccoons, if you would like to enjoy a meal with us after the run in celebration, you must bring your own rubbish. We are an HT squad, not a catering company. 2) Clean HP for all ranged is now 5.6k as it always has been, and for melee characters it's 11k. Higher HP is a positive; because Dark Knights are fairly hard to come by and I can only guarantee one per run, run space for sub 9k HP ranged chars is limited. A note to all runners; due to some serious real-life complications (as well as the holidays) that I'll need to attend to, runs will be scarce as I cannot guarantee my own availability. I do strongly suggest that you all still get accustomed to the new HT by doing runs with your friends in the meantime. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience! Runs will resume as soon as my own life has stabilized.
Erm.. Not so sure I wanna ask this as I'm quite dense when it comes to jokes.. But was that supposed to be a joke? Or did you really mean it? About bringing your own rubbish.. Also, "run space for sub 9k HP ranged chars is limited." What do you mean by this? And thank you for your replies!!
It's a joke. It means that there cant be lots of people below 9k attending to ht since Mike cant promise that there will be more than 1 drk in every run. Basically, if only 1 drk can attend to the run then we cant bring more than 4 ranged attackers that has below 9k hp since the rest wouldnt be able to get hyper body. (Party would look like HB, ranged,ranged,ranged,ranged,HS)