Name: Camren IGN: Camren Timezone: EST Dream vacation destination and why: South Italy. Babes and beaches I'd also like to practice my Italian. Random fact about yourself: I can crack my right middle finger knuckle dozens of times in a row. Freaks people out.
We are currently full but were planning a massive expellment raid soon for more room but until then please apply if you wish. One of us will kick out our mule or inactives.
WELCOME! That would be a nice place to go... especially since I'm more than a quarter Italian... lol and that is freaky XD I'd end up breaking it a few dozens of times in a row haha
Name: Emerson IGN: Jeweetwelwie Timezone: GMT +1 Dream vacation destination and why: Japan, love the culture and its people! Random fact about yourself: Love to play MMORPGS
Fate that you found me at LPQ and your IGN looked familiar to me? Hahahaha welcome to Radiance (already added)
Name: KC IGN: ChalkyTea Timezone: GMT +8 Dream vacation destination and why: Anywhere around the world as long as the scenery is awesome Random fact about yourself: I love ice lemon tea
Lemon tea is my faaave! Have you tried the VITA brand? I'm not even sure how popular that company is hahah well regardless, welcome to Radiance! We'll keep an eye out for you in game and/or you can whisper any of us
Name: Shawn IGN: xConAnything Timezone: +8GMT (SINGAPORE) Dreamvacation: America cause it's awesome, who doesnt want to go there Random fact: I am a full time web developer
Hey Shawn! We've got a bunch of people from America so if you have any questions.... Welcome to Radiance~
After many GPQ runs with many dcs, we did it! The next time we wanted to go again (~15 minutes later), it ended up being an all arch mage boss fight for the first 5 minutes (JurassicPark, Chandelier and me) then they both died and I had to solo for a bit while they were walking back THEN FINALLY our afk NL (LordUchiha/Leo) came back to actually finish the job
Name: Justin IGN: Paiiy Timezone: Malaysia (I'm not good with all those gmt or watever :c ) Dream vacation: MOON Random fact: I love food
Name: Viktor IGN: iSaind Timezone: + 2 GMT Dreamvacation: Every moment is a Dream for me im happy if I have people around me. So my dream is to play with as many friends as possible Random Fact: I'm a master of the E-Numbers and im not scared of the fearful E-Numbers (Food additives) . So I love Food aswell!