As it currently stands, PPQ is a complete wall of any completionsists who want to try and get everything done on one character. Many of the other Party Quests have had their level limit removed, and I believe the reasoning for keeping the level cap on certain party quests was due to how combat focused they are. This makes sense as PPQ is close to being a pure combat party quests. This however leads to people who want to do all the quests being completely walled at lv 99/100. Pqs without level caps I was able to mule 5 other characters to do all the optional content and quests within them. But with PPQ being level capped it makes mulling it much more time consuming. The solution could could just be a heavy exp penalty when completing the party quests with characters who are above the natural level cap. I think with player habits changing and people wanting to achieve more than just level and range, servers should be pushing more and more to eliminate content that can be permanently missable. We have seen this effort to reduce missable content through others pqs having their level cap reduced, a repeatable HP quest to stop HP being "misable" , yet PPQ still stands as an anomaly that can be very awkward to overcome. If this has been talked about already, I am sorry, I did briefly look through the search and found nothing specifically mentioning ppq.
I'm a completionist too. The 200 devoted kru and captain quest is absolutely horrible I'm making a PPQ mule right now just to complete the quest on my HP washed characters.
would love to try ppq at higher level, I never got to fight angry lord pirate (or whatever their name is) since most people that did ppq did it for the exp and not to try to fight the higher leveled boss, so yeah, would be nice to try fighting those bosses since i never got the chance to ;3
The angry lord pirate has higher hp and exp as a challenge for lower levelled chars. Removing the cap would means it’s still very easy of a boss.
Would be nice to be able to do the quests from Mu Lung that require etc drops from PPQ, I realized this at level 190 when I was doing all the quests in town :/
I support this. Most of the Lv100+ players no longer care about the EXP gain (why would we do?) in PPQ so that's not the issue. The issue is the level cap making us unable to obtain for example the Lord Pirate Hat. I really wanted that hat and totally forgot about that level cap and I'm stuck on Lv127. You could make it so Lv100+ players don't gain any exp and I would be fine with that as long as I'm able to receive my Lord Pirate Hat. And also because of Quest Specialist / Quest Virtuoso.
Hello! I've asked and the reason PPQ hasn't had their level cap increased is because it is a PQ that is centered primarily around killing mobs, where an influx of high level players would negatively affect the balance of the PQ (similar to CPQ and LMPQ which also do not have their level caps adjusted). However, as far as I'm aware Staff do not feel strongly about the level cap for this PQ one way or another, and this is likely something we are open to adjusting as needed. It might help if you add a poll to the original post to gauge more community opinions.
To address this concern, one can limit use of skills to third job (similar to OPQ). Additionally, to avoid the carrying of low levels by high levels, one idea is to have two types of parties. Specifically, to enter the PQ either your party consists entirely of characters below the level cap, or entirely above the level cap, where the latter receives no exp throughout the PQ (and thus has it's only purpose being the completion of missing content.) I'm hesitant to support any idea that involves the mixing of characters which are above and below the level cap, however I've already done OPQ with people carrying their mules for some extra exp while they collect Token of Teamwork, and leech exists so... I suppose one could also put a hard damage cap on mobs inside the PQ, but that seems overboard. These are the ideas that immediately come to mind. I'd love to see if someone thinks of a better idea.
I think just restrict 4th job skills. They're probably trying to avoid those players rushing PPQ with map attacks
I just want some of the quests to be easier to complete, or make their rewards worth doing. The quest for 200 devoted captains and kru's is horrible and no one wants to do it. I had to level an I/L mage just for the purpose of doing this quest on my characters easier (I'm a completionist)
Please make it worthwhile to make him angry. Not really sure what would be a good reward but something I can throw out there would be counting 2/3 completions for the hat by making him angry/enraged respectively. An otherwise useless change tbh because Zak helm is OP. Unless... you buff the hat to similar stats as Zak Helm but with +HP... maybe also make it craft-able so it can apply godly system haha
Ppq should reward Token of Teamwork for Player who involved in ppq too. This could attract more high lvl Player to be invole just to collect tokens for daily after the lvl cap removed
I want to PPQ only because of the aesthetics of the Pirate Hat. And also quest completionist. Not interested in exp gain or the stats of the hat itself.
Could always give it a dojo style grouping. Normal level requirements for one group, then all above the normal group into another? Increase defenses of all mobs, 3rd job or lower only skills
The lord pirate boss spawns outside of PPQ now. You can hunt the boss at Pirate Den 3, it drops card too.
Support this, in this game most quests with level cap just having it for no reason in my opinion. I did also make a feedback thread about removing all regular quests' level cap before but it's probably got denied or moved to not possible section though. Off topic, I still remember the day I have to pay people to help me doing those level restricted PQ stuff because most player don't understand what's interesting for quests, keep ask me why again and again then ending up NO I WANT TO LEVEL FASTER SO GTFO NO ONE CARE QUESTS She means ANGRY lord pirate, which can be spawned in PQ only, so do the all side quests related to this PQ they are basically level restricted. Totally agree that quest is such a pain and worthless doing, feel free to start a pm to me if you need help on it anyway
If this is currently in the discussion by GMs, I would like to add that the EXP for completing the side quests should be buffed a lot, and the EXP from completing the "angrier" Pirate Lords per PQ completion should be increased. At levels 80+ PPQ is VERY bad and boring. But doing the side rooms to get more exp and defeating a harder pirate boss would make it more fun/worthwhile.
Would like to know if this topic was still in discussion I miss doing PPQ, and it's the only PQ that has a level cap besides CPQ. Removing the level limit would encourage higher level players to help newer players (if it gives Tokens of Teamwork) as most newer players do not have the funds to buy leech. PPQ being focused around killing mobs instead of skill based can be a good thing, as I find people getting frustrated in other PQs due to language barriers, which results in people wanting to run with experienced players only.